Crunchy, Chrunchy Christmastime

December 15, 2007 8:27 AM

A song for the season. Slightly disturbing.

I honestly don't understand why this song is so disturbing. But when I sing "All the reindeer are in line" for my wife, she visualizes them turning on a spit.

From my Steam Powered Studio

posted by Liv Pooleside (2 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite

I... I love it. Also, it's going to be stuck in my head all evening. Ohboy.
posted by Pallas Athena at 4:01 PM on December 24, 2007

re: scary dear: smoking and broken where the infrared dear plunge in the digital snake?
posted by es_de_bah at 7:14 PM on December 29, 2007

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