Modern Love

January 17, 2008 7:25 AM

Wherein I decide to do weird things to my favorite Bowie song as I learn how to use Garage Band.

I love this, but my wife can't stand it. So it's, well, polarizing.

posted by COBRA! (3 comments total)

You, sir, are depraved. But I kind of like it.

This is one of those songs that, every time I hear it, I think to myself that it'd be really fun to cover.
posted by cortex at 7:54 AM on January 17, 2008

I was really surprised as I was figuring out the song how "churchy" the chords sound on their own. Like, even just playing them on an acoustic, it kind of sounded like a hymn. If you played it on an organ, a choir would probably materialize on the spot. So there's another direction cover could go...
posted by COBRA! at 8:00 AM on January 17, 2008

I liked it better than Bowie's original, actually. Reminiscent of his Hunky Dory days, but shimmering, with a touch of Nick Cave. heh.
Cooler sounding than Cat Power's version of Wild is the Wind.
Do that next./ :)
oh, and the choir version of Modern Love. Yeah./

[of course of few more of those and you'll be sleeping on the couch, apparently your wife doesn't take to anyone messin' with Bowie./]
posted by alicesshoe at 1:39 PM on February 7, 2008

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