Sleep City Limits

July 5, 2006 5:07 AM

Take 1 part Philip Glass, 2 parts Orbital, add a touch of Hans Zimmer and stir.

posted by inoculatedcities (4 comments total) 9 users marked this as a favorite

Hauntingly beautiful, I love it.
posted by Jimbob at 5:25 AM on July 5, 2006

sweet bigbooty
Orbital and Hans Zimmer are definitely all-time favorite artists of mine. I've always been meaning to check out Philip Glass too. Wow. I love it.

Looking at your profile, I gotta say: symphonic electronic music is one of my true loves.
posted by ryran at 7:08 AM on July 5, 2006

Gret stuff. Often I find this type of music can be boring, but this is quite captivating.
posted by arcticwoman at 12:26 PM on July 5, 2006

Good stuff. Really love the bass! Good percussive panning too, and it's interesting how you "artificially" vary the pitch of the hihat hits.
posted by edlundart at 8:17 PM on July 5, 2006

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