My Sister the Giant

November 6, 2009 9:03 PM

I'm doing an album this month, and this is the first thing I've recorded for it. I think the album will be mostly or completely instrumental, but we'll see.

My sister is, actually, quite short.

posted by tmcw (3 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

I like those unexpected "echos" that start aroung :45, and get weirder as we go on -- totally not what I was expecting from the first half-minute or so.
posted by Karlos the Jackal at 2:54 AM on November 7, 2009

Beautiful and funny at times....the blackbirds attacking your microphone at 1:50 were rather scary!
posted by slipperystar at 5:03 AM on November 9, 2009

What Karlos said. It totally went a different direction than I had guessed from the beginning and knowing your other music. I think the birds were a very nice touch. Did you actually record those?
posted by Corduroy at 8:23 AM on November 9, 2009

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