Woman Driving, Man Sleeping

September 4, 2010 1:38 PM

This is a cover of a song by one of my favourite bands, Eels. It's pretty typical of the band - slightly sad and thoughtful, with a lot that we aren't told. I'd been planning to record this anyway, but then along came the Transpo challenge, and this seemed to fit very well.

Anyone who was in my swapset for the most recent MeFi CD swap will likely recognise this song, as it fit my self-imposed theme of "distance" very effectively. It's not about transport, as such, but the fact that this couple is driving away is still very significant. Where are they going, in the middle of the night? Perhaps more importantly, what are they driving away from?

Written by Mark "E" Everett. Original version appears on the album Souljacker; this version arranged and performed by me!

posted by ZsigE (2 comments total)

This is nice and understated, but your voice lacks a little from being mic-ed too far away I think. I'd have liked a little more of it, and a little more breathy. Just my preference though :)
posted by greenish at 1:27 PM on September 6, 2010

Thanks for the input! Do you mean that my voice is just too far back in the mix, or is there a tone issue as well? I'm pretty much right up against the pop screen when I do vocals, so getting closer isn't much of an option. Alternatively, I could run it through different EQ settings (couldn't really be bothered on this recording!)
posted by ZsigE at 3:47 PM on September 7, 2010

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