Make it True

March 9, 2008 9:23 AM

Influenced by Afro-pop. Voice, percussion, and a little guitar.

In places, I think the Bible has some good advice. The lyrics are a paraphrase of Romans 12:9-12.

The instruments are: agogo bells, shekere, some kind of Indian hand percussion instrument that consists of little non-toned bells on two pieces of hardwood that you bang together making a sound a little like a tambourine, a huge synth drum sound, and guitar running through a wah pedal fixed on one point. All instruments are played by me.

The vocals are me and a former workmate named (IIRC) Chris Sargent. It was recorded by Chris. I thought it would sound better with the vocals doubled, and convinced him to do it.

posted by strangeguitars

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