230 posts tagged with Indie and rock.
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An ode to women featuring guitars, piano, melodica, and lap steel. [more inside]
From the River to the Sea
A rough mix of a song in progress. Constructive criticism sought! [more inside]
Back to the 4-track cassette box. This was a breakthrough song for me. [more inside]
Outta Here
The Byrds meet Gary Glitter at a party hosted by Teenage Fanclub. [more inside]
Back on my Back Again
Another slice of 1995 Big Star/Television influenced indie ephemera from my 4-track cassette box. I still really love this guitar riff and the herky jerky power pop stuff at the end of the chorus. A song about not wanting someone to feel bad for dumping you.
When I first heard Sloan, I thought 'man, they stole my sound' although really we both stole Velvet Crush's. [more inside]
Seventeen Below (Electric Version)
Someone suggested I re-record this with a heavier treatment. So I threw the kitchen sink at it. Guitars, guitars, more guitars, a cello section, some HEAVY guitars, harmonies and a bonus weather forecast. Don't let the quiet beginning fool you. [more inside]
Darker Shade of Blue (Electric version)
Amped up version of a song I posted a few days ago. Gnarly guitars, Hammond organ, sweet harmonies, in a Television / Big Star / Matthew Sweet frame of mind. [more inside]
Darker Shade of Blue
Another semi-autobiographical 1995 slice of cheerful melancholia. But a pretty guitar riff and one of my favorite choruses to sing, even if I never really could hit the last note. There's an electric version of this with more of a Big Star / Matthew Sweet feel, but darned if I can find it and anyway I like this one. [more inside]
a perfect preservative (big ghost version)
Big Ghost's version of this, which gets nice and jam-bandy, we feel. Thanks in advance for continuing mixing/mastering advice. [more inside]
backseat nudist
Haunted punk from my band Big Ghost. This is my second attempt at recording drums (thanks for all the advice, Mefites!) and my first post that all the band worked on together. so pointers are very welcome. [more inside]
it shows
This is an angry, broody, dark, but pretty song. I'm proud of it, I think it's one of my best! Includes a pretty sweet xaphoon (!) solo by yours truly, plus background vocals by my wife. [more inside]
her name is hope
I wrote this after attending a concert late last year. Just finished (?) the recording. It's kind of a tribute to the musician I saw -- maybe you can guess who it is? Either way, it's a track that features guitars, pianos, fretless bass, vibes, drums, vocals and a lap steel part in the chorus that I'm really satisfied with. [more inside]
Asshole Holiday
Tight lil pop diddy about the time my little brother disappeared on New Years day and turned up two months later in the Dominican Republic.
This is the first full song I've done on my new computer, which makes me wicked happy. [more inside]
The Garden of Forking Paths
This Borges-inspired track appears on the new Steve Goldberg and the Arch Enemies EP, Labyrinths, available now for streaming and download. The demo was posted here. [more inside]
Sobering Up (2009)
About three and a half years ago, I uploaded the eleventh song on Mefi Music. This autumn, I finally got my arse in a real studio, and did it properly. [more inside]
in an aisle seat
Greasy rock song about falling asleep in passenger seats.
I could use some help with this.
Ok, this is my first attempt at recording with real drums. While I'm happy to finally post something featuring my insanely talented little brother, Mike, I'm sorry to say that the drum recording I started out with was awful and I'm not sure I've made it any better. If anyone has some insight as to what can be fixed and how, or some tips on cheap/lo-fi/hopelessly inept home drum recording, I'd love to hear them. [more inside]
The Ballad of Cherry Hill
This is the lead-off track from the forthcoming EP, Labyrinths, by Steve Goldberg and the Arch Enemies, to be released 1/7/10. It's a wistful slice of indie-pop about insomnia, suburban isolation, and the boredom of hometowns. [more inside]
Halloween 97/98
Little ditty about young love, the joys of suburban Massachusetts in autumn, and the allure of all those wonderful things behind the counter at drugstores. [more inside]
Watership Downs
Another newie from my band Bring A Guillotine, electro-ish intro, then roccckk! Enjoy! [more inside]
Starless And Bible Black
For the sake of completeness, if "Medicine Man" had been an A-side this - a natural companion piece in mood and texture - would have been the flipside. Obviously on an impeccably cool label (Elektra, Sire, Stiff, Island pre-sell off). Well.....I can dream... [more inside]
Medicine Man (Alpaca Room mix)
A wrinkled roue ruminates rudely.....
Special, exclusive, once-and-for-all, never-to-be-repeated (thankfully, some may say) vinyl-only MeFiMu magimix. Hope y'all like it. [more inside]
Once It Was The Colour Of Saying (Work In Progress)
This is incomplete and very current WIP from my glacial synth-based alter ego and is perhaps something of a companion piece to White Feather. I'd really appreciate opinions on (a) the pretty drastic transitions in the piece from the rhythmic to the quasi-orchestral and back again, (b) whether the lyric theme has any kind of cheddar whiff, and (c) whether it needs more "oomph" under the orchestral bits (actually difficult to pull off without destroying the mood - I've tried....). Any other comments welcome of course - but this is unfinished and well rough so....geeza break. [more inside]
An abstract and impressionistic take on the wonderful world of work. Or something like that. Whatever. Listening to it afresh from the distance of several years, I've no idea what the fuck I'm banging on about here. I was probably stoned out of my box at the time. Disgarceful behaviour for a doctor - tsk tsk. Another extract from the extensive but wholly disreputable Dundee Archive. NB: this product contains faint traces of jazz-lite.....
A new song called 'Madeleine' from my new band, features piano, strings and bouncy guitars! Wheeee. [more inside]
Locate the Pin
From the band that brought you "Bridges over the Thames" and "The world's most blown mind", The Old Whores Of San Pedro proudly present. Locate the pin, a song inspired by a fire extinguisher. [more inside]
When Harry Was Sally....
I can usually get a presentable mix without too much hassle, but this one beats the hell out of me. Sounds good in headphones, complete shit on monitors and even worse in the car. Advice? [more inside]
The World's Most Blown Mind
Another track from The Old Whores Of San Pedro. [more inside]
Bridges Over The Thames
This is my first contribution to MeFiMu, so go easy on me! [more inside]
Henrietta Park
Final upload from my pile of rejects - ok, the other two weren't exactly the dog's bollocks (which is why they were jettisoned - duh), but this one..........hell, even I like this... [more inside]
Lullaby For A Spin Doctor
#2 in a short series of 3 "rediscovered" tracks from my pile of untitled cds - which were heading for the bin until I decided I'd better check them out first. Again, about 5 or 6 years old (at a guess) this one's pretty off-centre..... [more inside]
Recorded 5 years ago. Frankly, a bit of a mess. Lyric is vaguely about relationship breakdown, but is "stream of consciousness" i.e. bollocks. But......something there? Worth re-recording/working on? I dunno. You might tell me.
Ill Met By Moonlight (Medicine Man)
A small libation from The Gin Palace* [more inside]
A Long Way Down
Another new demo song from my new band, Bring A Guillotine. A little more laid back than the previous track uploaded. Enjoy!
Song for Summer
As I was noodling around with these chords, beautiful summer has arrived here in Seattle. I couldn’t help but look out the window of our little music room at the gorgeous weather, flowers, blue skies, and people having fun on the water and asking myself, what am I doing inside on such a lovely day? And the answer is, writing a song about how I love the summer months as long as I’m safely ensconced indoors and out of the sun. It’s not my fault that I’m borderline translucent and in danger of melting in summer sun like a chocolate bar on the backseat of a car in July. But keep in mind, those of us who prefer it inside, aren’t necessarily anti-summer. We love watching it from the safety of air-conditioned shade. [more inside]
oh, you know
My Chemical Brain
I don’t know crap about this topic but it hasn’t stopped me from having my interest piqued. Specifically, I’m talking about brain chemistry. Both the mechanics of it and the way we manipulate what those mechanics do these days are super interesting. Even more amazing to me is how people’s emotions (usually negative emotions) can be a simple result of a chemical imbalance in their brain. Wow. I realize the drugs we have today are both amazing relative to nothing and very blunt instruments relative to what we’ll have down the road. And while I haven’t tried any of them, I sometimes wonder what people did before they existed. Mostly suffered I suppose. :| [more inside]
Spirit Of '69
The hippies' lament.... [more inside]
Aaahhh, the ravages of time.............
Last scene of all,
That ends this strange eventful history,
Is second childishness and mere oblivion,
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything. [more inside]
This is the first demo from my new collaborative project, tentatively caed 'Bring A Guillotine'. Some NSFW lyrics. All comments appreciated!
White Feather
Slightly absurd to try to describe music in words - have a listen and let me know what you think.
Should speak for itself I guess. Perennial tale of wronged love, worm turning, vengeance etc. [more inside]
paint another layer on
Ever get drunk and watch daytime tv and then get kinda pissed off?
This is an oldy, but I've been playing it with my band lately, so I revamped it and remixed it. [more inside]
come here (aberdeen)
This started as a weird tune with pseudo-Indian wailing/cat meowing vocals, guitar feedback, and a one-note sitar solo. It still has those elements, but the track ended up being an almost radio-friendly, catchy (?) pop-rock thing. [more inside]
(Note: NSFW-ish if f*** and a****** are a problem where you work.)
For the bulk of the years of growing up that I actually remember, what I would consider the “formative” years, I lived in Brookline, Massachusetts. (Not to be confused with the super irritating Brookline, New Hampshire that would show up in school closing announcements only to leave me extra disappointed.) During and after college I didn’t think much of my high school years at Brookline High School. And in fact, I ended up losing touch with every friend I made there. But thanks to the internets I have reconnected with many of them, some very recently. It’s been super positive, and it’s stirred up all these great memories of my time in Brookline. That’s what this song is about. These three incidents in particular: [more inside]
Take the Picture
I tend to take a lot of pictures. I found out early on in my photo-taking tenure that the more pictures I took, the more likely that some of them would come out nicely. Of course, I’m always the one behind the camera. As a parent, I also have wondered just how much of the time I spend with my kids they will remember (if any). My father recently asked me if I remembered how we used to watch Star Trek together. I honestly couldn’t remember. He was crushed. It occurred to me that many years down the road when my kids look at our family pictures they won’t see me in any of them because I was the one behind the camera. Something tells me that this detail will be lost on them as they repeat the cycle and tell me they don’t remember me being there. ;) [more inside]
In Your Name
I've spent the past couple of months trying to improve my production skillz with my limited resources. This is the first song to come out of it all (probably because it's the simplest) with more on the way hopefully! [more inside]
'Til We're Dead (EP version)
Rerecorded version of "'Til We're Dead" from my forthcoming EP. [more inside]
Skipping Stones (please help)
hey home recording kids: i'm trying to get this song ready for my lady's birthday. could use some help with the mix. I need advice by monday nite. going for cute. what's working / failing? what needs polish? [more inside]
Lost Time
A rough mix of the title track from my just-recorded EP under the name Green Sees.