85 posts tagged with Instrumental and electronic.
Displaying 1 through 50 of 85. Subscribe:
devil crash
homage to the mega drive/genesis game [more inside]
never alone
brash, downbeat electro. one part melancholy, two parts wibbly wobbly bass
aerosmith black rhum baba
more scattershot electro. a deliberate "track 1". [more inside]
130 stories high
optimistic down-tempo instrumental hip hop beats and synth-strings [more inside]
yr alban
a bit of an experiment. old. a series of mostly-drumless electronic vignettes.
pebbledash remix
more synth-laden breakbeat - quite fruity in places [more inside]
Signal Tower
Semi-ambient modern synth pad instrumental with minimalist electronic bass, reversed electric guitar, and some pretty and deliberate vinyl crackle-ish soft static noise and a gentle mix of treated samples. Maybe sort of cinematic? [more inside]
Torn [more inside]
An entry in the April/May MeFiMusicChallenge, inspired by the pandemic. Instrumental, chill track. [more inside]
Storm Clouds Of Jupiter - part 2 of 3
Instrumental electronic thingy continued. [more inside]
Wintry Mix
An ambient/drone piece from my newly released album Float (pay-what-you-want on Bandcamp). I'm breaking a habit of expressing anxiety and foreboding through my music, and aiming to spread some tranquility and wonder instead. [more inside]
When Green Leaves Spring (It's Good To See You)
This short (1:16) instrumental ditty is what happened when I started learning a new recording platform that came with loops of instruments I'd always wanted to play or include on my recordings: pedal steel guitar (I was super excited about this especially -- I've wanted to work with pedal steel for a really long time), baritone guitar, and mandolin. And did I mention the bossa drums? Not sure if I went overboard but I had fun and liked the result. [more inside]
A Natural Carpet
A psuedo-guitar-like ambient song performed on modular synthesizer. This is the third track on my new release Nereus, available on Bandcamp. [more inside]
And the Sunrise Welcomes You Home
A short instrumental piece (featuring synth) in which I basically have fun building from a loop. This is my entry for the MeFi Music challenge to submit music inspired by a MeFi post (I Saw This Thing On The Blue And...). Credit actually goes to three MetaFilter-related posts from last month: two MeFi posts by not_on_display and one MeFi Music post by ignignokt; they inspired me to create electronic music again after a decade+ hiatus. [more inside]
First Respronger
Short bouncy instrumental [more inside]
savory for me
Just an experiment of guitar electronic fusion I've been playing with. I'm planning on doing an album-full of these types of songs soon.
deeply listening
Spent the last year learning to program and had no time for music. Finally got a job and a new-ish life so I thought it's time to get back to some things I enjoy.
This one is different from my normal thing though I suppose I'v'e always had an attraction to analog merging with electronic. Maybe thanks to new order/joy division??? Though this doesn't sound anything like those.
Part three of the serial instrumental, Creature Of Habit. [more inside]
Snow Drift
It was snowing and what better to do than mess with the arpeggiator? [more inside]
Game Night
I just loaded up Ubuntu Studio with some soft synths, and recorded this CarrotAdventure-inspired piece. It came out sounding like a game show theme, hence the name.
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A Five-Cornered Square
Another noodl-ey instrumental - the ingredients of this one are a guitar driving a synthesizer and a multiFX over a bed of soft-synths and drum emulator(s).
Resistor - Peace on Earth
Have a merry Synthmas with this peaceful electronic soundscape from the Men's Snarehouse. [more inside]
Thinking in Color
A dashed-off not-quite-synthwave instrumental that rolls around for a bit but doesn't really go anywhere. [more inside]
Resistor - Uni
An upbeat synthwave / retrowave instrumental. [more inside]
Road Race
Instrumental with big tunes and riffs, and a driving cadence that's perfect for cycling (especially if the weather should force you to ride indoors). Bandcamp download (with artwork).
nice small plate
Percussive acoustic guitar through tape echo, with processed vocal. I don't know what you call this kind of music.
This one has maybe the most tracks of any song I've ever made. [more inside]
10 Seconds of Static
Everybody likes music for partying mode, but what happens afterwards? This song would be the perfect accompaniment for the comedown afterwards (and even the hangover). Chill, centered, reflective, harmonious. I think :) [more inside]
Metric Groove
From my new (free!) EP 'Part Time Drum Machine', this is an instrumental keyboard-based track driven forward by a cheap synth bass and Casio-ish beats. A different kind of style than you may have heard from me before. [more inside]
Tooth Reef Wharf Hive
A mellow electronic instrumental from the vaults.
An electronica track (possibly describable as “techno”) I created in one day for the 20th Project. It starts with a kick/hi-hat (and later a snare) as well as synth bass and lead lines; the track itself is in 7/4 time. [more inside]
Guest Star
Jazzy electronic instrumental. [more inside]
one note
Based on The World Famous' challenge idea in this thread, to make a song using only one note. [more inside]
Nineteen Thousand Sunsets
Ambient instrumental piece. It's a rather ambient dialog between the guitar and a bell-like sine synth. Long pauses. Slow paced. Throughout my life, one of my constant joys was always watching the sun go down. I've seen so many variations of this event that I wanted to express a condensation of the variety and bittersweetness of all those sunsets.
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The Flank of Bridenstein
I had a bit of fun with this: it's about a relationship gone wrong. I believe that the dual bass part is rhythmically interesting. Double bass and synth bass rhythmically intertwine and are coupled with a synth trumpet. There may be some Brian Eno influences a la The Drop.
My album is available for $5 download at CD Baby: The Dividing Range.
Something about bridges or something [more inside]
Bushy Tails
Short, fun and bouncy, melodic, dancelike-although-odd-metered, all electronic instrumental. Sort of like a lobotomized Dream Theatre interpreted via Kitsune2 would be one way of putting it. [more inside]
Can I Register Online Please?
This started as a little tune I made up a couple years when I was trying to register for classes at my community college using their online system which wasn't working. All the parts on this track were recorded by me using my friend Ian's microKORG XL.
Phantom West - Intercept
Electronic. A bit dancey. An exercise in using an arpeggiator for the bass line and gradual build-up over the course of the track.
More music for deep space, take your protein pill and put your helmet on. [more inside]
From Here on Out
A short instrumental fade-in type piece from my Armless Victory project
You Will Obey Only My Commands
Some lighthearted dance music for Daleks, from an unusually fertile period in 2009.
Cape of Blades
an instrumental song with acoustic guitar, harmonica, samples, birds, drums and beats.
Are the vocals loud enough?
Turn your bass down...I'm still a'learnin'.
Piano overtones are the new "in thing".
Mouse programmed...chords and all...not a keyboard in sight.
For Now
Just a quick song I threw together in Reason today. [more inside]
This is... baroque electronic dance rock? Well, perhaps. I think it will keep you entertained for 5 minutes, at any rate. There are a lot of things that go whoosh, a thing that goes ping, and rather a lot of things doing things near the end. [more inside]
Night Sparrow's Confusion Song
My foray into composing music electronically. [more inside]
Another Aside
A Saturday afternoon lazily spent synthily. [more inside]
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