625 posts tagged with Instrumental.
Displaying 501 through 550 of 625. Subscribe:

Sam's Company

Sam sitting in the corner.
posted by nthdegx on Nov 24, 2007 - 5 comments


Winter is icumen in, Lhude sing Goddamm [more inside]
posted by 31d1 on Nov 8, 2007 - 4 comments

What Happend

Just A quick instrumental all mixed in the Gopher Hole done with my acoustic guitar.
posted by Randy Curtis on Nov 5, 2007 - 2 comments


A short Arabic-influenced tune, played on a jazz organ. (OK, it's actually a synthesizer, but one can dream, no?)
posted by epimorph on Nov 4, 2007 - 3 comments

it can happen to you

cutting up and mixing mozart's 25th to produce an emotive beat. see if you can spot a few of the phrases that were left in tact. [more inside]
posted by ageispolis on Oct 22, 2007 - 3 comments


Instrumental guitar overdubbing experiment. Unfortunately, not spooky.
posted by aleb on Oct 19, 2007 - 2 comments

Bass Overdriven to Scary

Figured a bass overdriven would be spooky enough. [more inside]
posted by aleb on Oct 16, 2007 - 11 comments

My Granny's House Was Scary

3/4 of the way through my Tom Waits impression, I realized I could play the riff from Black Sabbath's "Black Sabbath" over the top.
posted by sleepy pete on Oct 16, 2007 - 6 comments


How is babby formed? Apparently like this... [more inside]
posted by 31d1 on Oct 11, 2007 - 3 comments


I wonder if you would enjoy a post-rave speaker-thrashing jazzy progressive grime cover of Wanna Be Starting Something, by M. Jackson. [more inside]
posted by 31d1 on Oct 3, 2007 - 5 comments

Hopeful Hopeful

A big ol' composition kind of song. Just a little bit like "post-rock" I guess. As before but this time with multiple takes, stereo, and fun little stuff scattered all around. It's also my first project using Logic Pro, which seems to rock
posted by tmcw on Oct 2, 2007 - 3 comments

Easy (Thus Do All)

This is a demo (sans vocals) I'd like everyone's honest opinion on before I go an upload the finished thing. Guitars/piano/bass/drums. [more inside]
posted by kersplunk on Sep 25, 2007 - 10 comments


I finished this with about 5 minutes to spare before turning 30. [more inside]
posted by 31d1 on Sep 23, 2007 - 2 comments

Bari Groove

For those times when you just feel like getting funky. [more inside]
posted by man vs sun on Sep 23, 2007 - 2 comments

It Can Wait

Relax. Procrastinate. It's okay. [more inside]
posted by man vs sun on Sep 19, 2007 - 3 comments


tyuiop [more inside]
posted by 31d1 on Sep 17, 2007 - 4 comments

Freedom Tape

A simple, melancholy electro instrumental that I recorded a couple of years ago. Percussion ideas came from various hip-hop sources; the melody is my own. I use it as background music during a spoken-word segment of my live shows. [more inside]
posted by Artifice_Eternity on Sep 7, 2007 - 4 comments

March On

Feeling like the day won't end even through the dawn, Tommorrow brings the thought of hope helping us March On.
posted by Randy Curtis on Aug 28, 2007 - 5 comments

At The Mountains Of Madness

A short surf instrumental. One of the bands I'm currently in, The Filthy Thirds, has started a side project/alter ego group called The Boogeymen. It is a horror/surf project where we mash up classic horror movie persona's with early 60's surf. We wrote all our own surf songs, our only cover being a "Wipeout" style version of John Carpenter's "Halloween" theme. Our debut show is in a couple of weeks and we will play in costume. My character is Mummy Holly. This song gets its title from an H.P. Lovecraft book,and was recorded with a hanging mic in the basement, yet is surprisingly clear. Some lead guitar was overdubbed.
posted by sourwookie on Aug 27, 2007 - 11 comments

Pelicans Breeze

This is one that I put together thinking about the time I was working down in Jupiter, Florida. I was sitting on the fender system of a bridge fishing, watching the pelicans diving in the water doing some fishing of their own. They were so close to me that I could feel the breeze as they passed by me. Watching them and the sail boats in the inlet inspired me with this instrumental. This song I recorded about a year ago and thought that it might fit into the "bridge" music challenge.
posted by Randy Curtis on Aug 25, 2007 - 0 comments

Port and Cigars

I realized yesterday it'd been a while since I'd posted anything, so I dug through the Garage Band archives last night, and found this ditty I tossed together a couple years ago. I got the original groove by taking a pre-fab midi drum track, and assigning the notes to a clavinet patch, and it grew from there. It started out cheesy, so I gave in to the cheese, and threw in some lounge organ. All the percussion is GB midi crap, but that's me on the bass, the piano and the Hammond Organism. (Warning: IANAHOP) The vibe kinda suggested the title. Grab your smoking jackets, ladies and gents!
posted by Devils Rancher on Aug 25, 2007 - 1 comment

back and froth

< [31d1]> do you think the trumpets on that back-and-froth beat sound wack?
< [31d1]> like fake as shit?
aren't they supposed to sound kinda fake ?
< [31d1]> i'd rather they didnt but what are you gonna do
< [31d1]> i cant decide whether they add to, or detract from, the rest of it
< [31d1]> im gonna ask mefi

posted by 31d1 on Aug 21, 2007 - 6 comments

Here We Go Again

Ever had that feeling when you wake up, that today seems just like yesterday? And as the day goes on, you just confirm that it is just like yesterday? And as the week goes on you realize that it is always the "Same Shit Different Day" routine? Well this is my version of that same feeling but said with a different twist. "HERE WE GO AGAIN" This version is ruff and unfinished but I wanted you to hear it anyway. I hope that you enjoy it. **Randy Curtis**
posted by Randy Curtis on Aug 21, 2007 - 5 comments

Half Remembrance

For the past several years I've been regularly composing music for a fashion design company here in Tokyo, for use in their fashion shows. Here's something recent, a relatively short piece at 3:45, done for one of their upcoming shows.
posted by flapjax at midnite on Aug 20, 2007 - 4 comments


Artificial but pleasant. A bit long.
posted by 31d1 on Aug 19, 2007 - 2 comments

Chrono Trigger Suite for P80

Decided to whip out my slightly-more-old-school-than-usual electronic instrument for some nostalgia. Saddest theme, Memories of Green, and Ocean Palace Theme.
posted by tehloki on Aug 7, 2007 - 4 comments


22:56 < @[31d1]> do you liek mudkips
22:56 < @bp> what did you use
22:56 < @[31d1]> my mpc and a software sampler
22:56 < @[31d1]> only 3 instruments - some drums, an analog bass synth and a harp
22:56 < @bp> Mudkips are repulsive to me
22:56 < @bp> I HAET MUDKIPS
22:58 < @bp> [31d1] - this jazz better not end with a shocker
22:59 < @[31d1]> nah it has nothing to do with mudkips besides the name
22:59 * bp saves mudkips.mp3
22:59 < @[31d1]> i need to think of a good muFi blurb
posted by 31d1 on Aug 3, 2007 - 4 comments


i made this a few years ago, spacey and twisted, no lyrics. still one of the songs i've done that i'm happy with. mellow. some more stuff on my myspace, let me know what you think of what it sounds like inside my head.
posted by knowles on Jul 23, 2007 - 1 comment

bong take3

it lives in the cold dead shell of my broken G5
posted by criticalbill on Jul 19, 2007 - 0 comments


I wanted to make a song with a few of the instruments I rarely use, like the reed organ and toy piano. I thought about coming up with lyrics, but my hangover makes my brain feel ... not working so good. So I threw in some kazoo instead. Enjoy!
posted by The Great Big Mulp on Jul 8, 2007 - 9 comments

Transport Sec

by Lestrade. MySpace. Last.fm.
posted by nthdegx on Jul 8, 2007 - 2 comments

While the Gittin' is Good

Surfy-punky song inspired by a friend's recent decision to quit his job and travel for a while. Recorded in GarageBand, drums provided by a drummer friend who tapped them out on his keyboard for me because none of the drum loops sounded right. My first complete project in GarageBand.
posted by mccreath on Jul 4, 2007 - 2 comments


Many layers of distortion and sampling create a blanket of noise that I find beautiful and terrifying. Please to be playing this as loud as possible.
posted by BlackLeotardFront on Jul 2, 2007 - 3 comments

Don't Let Jessamyn Pick the Themes

Also known as "puddlewonderful." This is my contribution to the challenge and so, there's [more inside]
posted by micayetoca on Jun 28, 2007 - 13 comments

hens and rooster

It's nice to be at home with some guitars at hand. I wanted to participate to the challenge, but this tune has nothing to do with water. To me, it evokes a procession of hens in a courtyard, near and around a drowsy rooster. Images of aimless loopsided wanderings, long seductive dances. What is the rooster dreaming of ? just another bunch of hens I guess. Then he awakes suddenly. Too bad this wasn't the theme of the challenge. Enjoy.
posted by nicolin on Jun 25, 2007 - 6 comments

Tetris Drone

This is what happens when you play a guitar with a gameboy and an e-bow. Kind of noisy! Also, kind of awesome.
posted by BlackLeotardFront on Jun 21, 2007 - 11 comments

spanish cakes

As fresh as possible, in a slightly different mix than my previous upload, to give some more presence to the tune. The rhythm track was under electronic dust somewhere on my drive. I had recorded it without bothering to turn off the radio, so it is heard at the quietest moments. I've added a melody and a solo, as well as some percussion, but it's still a very tiny addition. Flaws included.
posted by nicolin on Jun 8, 2007 - 5 comments

Superhero Theme Song

A short guitar instrumental I made for a friend's film.
posted by JulianDay on Jun 6, 2007 - 8 comments


Two short and very meditative improvisations from some time ago.
posted by nicolin on Jun 5, 2007 - 2 comments

Owl Creek

I wrote this maybe four or five years ago. No words, just fingerpicked acoustic guitar. Minor, kind of moody.
posted by danb on Jun 4, 2007 - 11 comments

imp 4

Four years ago, I was trying to feel what it's like to be able to improvise. These are three takes over the same short chord cycle : take 2, 1, 3. My conclusion is : to improvise, you have to be able to wait.
posted by nicolin on Jun 2, 2007 - 2 comments

chinese no groove

Improvised trio. Guitar, keyboards, doorbell. When you've got a pebble in your shoe, you can't look at the stars.
posted by nicolin on Jun 1, 2007 - 1 comment


Taking a stroll somewhere in France. Sonic snapshots : Purchasing food. Driving. Walking in the street. Listening quietly. Playing the guitar.
posted by nicolin on May 30, 2007 - 7 comments

little bossa

I knew I had to play the flute. I found a bundy on ebay, and when I received it, began to play right away. This recording features guitar, flute and harmonica. Improvisation as usual, raw bossa vamp as background, no composed melody as such. Could have been longer without the telephone.
posted by nicolin on May 27, 2007 - 6 comments

Hopeful Hopeful

It's my usual setup - bedroom recording, loop pedal + Telecaster. This is my more recent sort of loop song, and it has more of a jazzy feel. I run the Tele through a compressor before the loop, too. Yeah, this one's a little long, but I just really, really like it. I recorded it a few minutes ago and was just so happy with how it turned out (I had no idea what it would be) that I'm done for tonight.
posted by tmcw on May 26, 2007 - 1 comment


which stands for : guitar flute harp flute guitar. Last year my sister gave me her old dell inspiron 3800. I installed audacity on it and was in for multitrack recording. Actually, I didn't know that I could listen to the previous tracks and recording at the same time. So I recorded the first four tracks trying not to lose the tempo and then moving the track so it fitted with the rest, adding layer by layer. By the time I recorded the solo I had managed to listen to the background. Composition is not too ambitious, it was just a matter of testing.
posted by nicolin on May 26, 2007 - 11 comments

Chivalry II

This is the current 'live' (as in, I've played it once in a bizzarro jam-show) version of this song. It's a single take, straight through, using my favorite pedal (a Headrush E2). I'm really, really going to beg for criticism (constructive, or other kinds), since I don't know really what to do with it or what to improve. So, crits? Thanks guys
posted by tmcw on May 20, 2007 - 7 comments

glass spiders

In a cave, several hundred feet underground, a mysterious glow can be seen in the distance. Beyond the dark corridors, a strange music fade in as you're getting close. The spiders are here, tall as houses, moving gracefully, feeding their babies, chanting soft lullabies under the crystal dome of a large chamber. One of them approaches and weaves shining threads of sound. You're not really frightened. Actually you feel rather comfortable as you're listening to the friendly speech. Going back ?
posted by nicolin on May 19, 2007 - 4 comments


hi, Sometimes you're just looking for something as peaceful as possible. Sorry for the unavoidable flaws.
posted by nicolin on May 18, 2007 - 2 comments


hi, it's raining outside, I just wanted something warm. Short and improvised.
posted by nicolin on May 17, 2007 - 5 comments

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