6 posts tagged with ItGetsBetter.
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It Gets Better
A long time and a bit ago, there was an It Gets Better challenge, and the late lamented Major Dundee posted this in response, along with instruction to ride it hard and put it away wet. So that's what I did. [more inside]
Gets Better Project Song
My attempt.
It Gets Better
Wrote this tune early in the month, shortly after seeing the Challenge announcement, and would've posted it much sooner, but other commitments plus a dose of good old fashioned procrastination delayed the recording until this afternoon. The last day of the month, of course! Just in under the gun, then, is my submission for this month's Mefi Music Challenge.
Just Wait
I'm really new at all this, but I thought I'd put something together for the It Gets Better challenge. My first MeFiMusic song.
The Rose
I'm stuck at home with a cold, so I thought I'd comfort myself with this cheesy old song and learn to sing in harmony using GarageBand. [more inside]
It Gets Better
This is a seed, an idea for a chorus that I'm offering up either for collab or for someone else to take it somewhere and give it a damn good shagging. I got the idea almost immediately upon reading unSane's post and recorded this on the fly in an hour or two today in between cooking dinner. It's as rough as the proverbial badger's arse, but there is something there worth exploring. Perhaps it could get better....