134 posts tagged with MeFiMusicChallenge and cover.
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That's All It Took
With five of us living in a small downtown Toronto house, I don't get a whole heck of a lot of music recording time. I recently had a few days all alone for the first time in over a year (ch-ch-changes!) so me and the dog lit a fire and recorded a cover of a Gram & Emmylou song by way of the George Jones & Gene Pitney original, featuring some guitars and the old family Heintzman piano. [more inside]
The Leaving of Liverpool
I had a great time collaborating with billiebee on a cover of this traditional folk song/sea shanty. The goal was to record a simple arrangement that was different from the more lively covers out there -- to borrow billiebee's phrase, a gentler version. I'm hoping our rendition highlights the lovely melody of the song. [more inside]
Co-starring Richard Sanders
What scares me? Playing music in front of other people, that's what! So here, for my MeFi music debut, is a slow jam to one of the greatest sitcom closing theme songs ever. [more inside]
Nightmare On Elmstreet Theme (NES)
Q: What scares you?
A: Freddy Kruger [more inside]
China Doll
Free Man In Paris
For the May/June/July Music Challenge, billiebee and I collaborated on a Joni Mitchell cover. [more inside]
Jackson (Lucinda Williams Cover)
My entry for the May/June 'City Songs' challenge. [more inside]
Chicago (Sufjan Stevens cover)
Felt inspired to throw together a cover of an old favorite for the May/June challenge. [more inside]
Here's my entry for the MetaMeta challenge. It's a cover of dobie's track hypotech from a while ago, done with many acoustic layers. Thanks to dobie for actually sending me the lyrics too! [more inside]
Kitten (in my robot purse) cover
Coming late to this great mefimusic challenge. So many I still want to cover, but here's my noir version of umbĂș's excellent Kitten (in my robot purse), a song that packs way more adorable and awesome into less than three minutes than should feasibly fit. Hope I'm doing it justice. [more inside]
My Childhood At the Open Mic
If memory serves, in my pre-teen years, bands At the Open Mic tended to sound a little like this. I wish more of them had covered Cortex's songs. [more inside]
When John Drinks
Deck the Halls
This is about the least effort you could put into wishing a merry f'n Christmas. Now with sleighbells. Of course.
Request: "I have long wished for a happy, loud, upbeat version of The Beatles 'Michelle.'" [more inside]
Paint it Black
For the request raffle, a cover of The Rolling Stones' Paint it Black in the surf rock guitar style of Dick Dale. [more inside]
Se Rapprocher
For the Great Request Raffle, I was assigned Move Closer, by Phyllis Nelson.
I'd actually never heard the song before but on repeated listenings it really grew on me. Great slow groove.
Some of the lyrics were super-cheesy so I thought a solution would be to sing it in a different language. Maybe French?
Then it occurred to me to go FULL ON SERGE GAINSBOURG and here we are. [more inside]
I'd actually never heard the song before but on repeated listenings it really grew on me. Great slow groove.
Some of the lyrics were super-cheesy so I thought a solution would be to sing it in a different language. Maybe French?
Then it occurred to me to go FULL ON SERGE GAINSBOURG and here we are. [more inside]
Metafilter Request Raffle - MST3k Theme
My assignment: "A genre-bending cover of the Mystery Science 3000 theme, any season, any genre. " [more inside]
Suffragette City
When I was assigned this tune for the David Bowie 'Ziggy Stardust' challenge, I was a little worried that I couldn't really manage it, somehow. But I had fun with it and I think it turned out OK. Plus I got this total blam-blam to help me with the promo clip, which you can viddy, my little droogie, at YouTube or Vimeo.
It Ain't Easy (Bowie cover)
I think I may be kicking off the summer Ziggy Stardust Cover Album project with this intentionally muddy, garage-blues riff off my assigned track. [more inside]
Delta blues cover of Alt-J Breezeblocks. Consider May's challenge: Accepted. [more inside]
11 Day Tripper
Silly instrumental in 11/8.
High and Dry
A cover of Radiohead's H&D on resonator guitar in open G, for the minor/major challenge. I originally intended this to be a shitkicking country stomper but it turned into something quite different. [more inside]
The Lonely Karmic Cop
Cover of Radiohead's "Karma Police" for the major/minor challenge. [more inside]
Another Brick in the Major
Take Another Brick in the Wall parts 1, 2, and 3, jam 'em all into one quick bluegrass shitkicker, throw it into a major key, and you get this. [more inside]
As made famous by gloomy pirate Jimmy Bummer. E minor with ukulele and guitar. [more inside]
Walking on Sunshine
In which I attempt to take the insufferable happiness of this song down a peg. [more inside]
O Holy Night
Despite my lack of religion and the fact that this song has been done to death, I thought I'd give it a shot.
Ring My Tubular Bell
I know this is completely not what the challenge is but I couldn't help myself. My sincere apologies.
Karma Police
Last minute entry. This was supposed to be, and will eventually be, an a capella/choral twofer with Fitter Happier, but I wasn't able to finish it in time. [more inside]
ian curtis' bathroom surprise
Oh shit. I lost the power supply to the br-532 in the move, so to be econimical i got a br-800 which arrived this week.. i recorded all this within the last 2 hours and about a half hour ago realized i had no idea how to get it off the damn thing. turns out it was the same way as the 532 but to make a short story short used the mixing on the 800 and um.. here we go.. straight off the br-800.. also played bass for the first time in 500 years
Fitter, Happier, World Famous
Like all supergroups, the OK LA MeFi Action Band sometimes pares itself down to a solo performer and producer arrangement. Nobody leaves the room, you understand, but everyone takes a drink and everyone but me holds their breath. [more inside]
Let Down
Lofi Computer stumbles on.
Exit Music (for a Film)
Another track from Lofi Computer. [more inside]
Karma Police
Here there be sludge. [more inside]
Not my favourite Radiohead tune, I'll tell you that much. [more inside]
Paranoid Android
The epic second track off the Roddy's O-Face record. It's pretty hefty compared to the rest of the songs, so make sure you can handle a solid minute and forty five seconds. [more inside]
Sweet, I tracked down the opening track off Lofi Computer. [more inside]
No Surprises
I really have no explanation for what I was thinking on this.
Subterranean Homesick Dylan
It's well known that Radiohead went to Bob Dylan for inspiration on the title of Subterranean Homesick Alien; it's less well known that they actually lifted the song structure and lyrics themselves from this rare demo recording. [more inside]
Fitter Happier ((Russian language version))
My assigned tune from OK Computer. For mouth bow and Russian vocal. Video here.
Airbag(ft The Dev Cave)
My cover of Radiohead's Airbag for the July 2012 MeFi Music Challenge. [more inside]
(half) lucky
As sang by the paranoid android. Right before running out of battery.
Karma Police (Tragically Straight Version)
A little spit-polish on the learning-to-play-it demo I recorded after I got the assignment. I had to get it mixed and off the desk before I spent the rest of my life adding the goofy little fills I missed the first time through. [more inside]
Exit Music (Again?)
It's time to come clean... [more inside]
Paranoid Android
My attempt at the Bohemian Rhapsody of my generation. [more inside]
Exit Music (for a Film)
It's probably a different film now (could still be Romeo & Juliet, but they might have to use chainsaws now). Headphones are best, for maximum crunchification. [more inside]
Subterranean Homesick Alien
In the six months they were together, Roddy's O-Face went through three bassists, the last of whom insisted on being called "The Colonel" at all times. This was a song about the town they were all going to high school in. [more inside]
Karma Police
Here's another Roddy's O-Face track off their Lofi Computer album! If I remember right, Ned wrote this one, and it's about his ex-girlfriend's cop dad and the time he drew a magic marker Hitler stache on her at a party when she passed out, or something like that. [more inside]
Paranoid Android
My allotted song for the July Metafilter Music Radiohead Extravaganza. [more inside]
No Surprises
As recorded in Tom's mom's garage by the infamously unfamous punk ingenues Roddy's O-Face. From their first and only album, Lofi Computer. [more inside]