10 posts tagged with MeFiMusicchallenge and autoharp.
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Long Story Short, Short Story Shorter
I was really hoping to get this posted in time for the November Challenge, but technical difficulties and the sudden realization that oh I really need a glockenspiel combined to -- wait, it's still November in Hawaii? I CLAIM FLAWLESS VICTORY [more inside]
I Knew It All Along
In at the last minute for June's MeFiMu challenge. Loud autoharp pop. [more inside]
Leave Her, Johnny
Here is an entry for the January Challenge! It is by me and rangefinder 1.4. It is a cover of "Leave Her, Johnny," a traditional sea shanty that was sung by sailors at the end of a voyage, as they were preparing to leave their ship ("her" in the song). [more inside]
After the Summer Has Gone
I thought this month's "Summer Song" challenge would be a slam dunk -- breezy, fluffy bubblegum! I can do that!
I regret to report that Things Did Not Go As Planned. [more inside]
The Ghost of Christmas Pluperfect Subjunctive
A Post-Christmas song for you, featuring autoharp, marimba, and some other things. Thanks to orthogonality for helping with the name!
[more inside]
Thanks to the Wishing Well
If not for MeFi Challenge deadlines, I might never actually finish a song. This one has only two chords (D and G). Instruments used, in order of appearance: Autoharp, marimba, marxophone, triangle, glockenspiel, and accordion. [more inside]
Girlfriend Song
It's okay to submit a MetaFilter Music Challenge song at the last minute (Pacific Standard Time) if the song itself is less than a minute long! You can't get blood from a stone, but you can get feedback from an autoharp. Here's a tender punk rock love song for you. [more inside]
Henry Pants
This is a song that I sing to my cat. Because he has a lot on his plate and a short attention span besides, this song is less than a minute long. It features autoharp, glockenspiel, and the "Min-O-Matic" rhythm box. [more inside]
The Girl at the End of the Road
I guess this might be interpreted as a stream-of-consciousness horror story. There's maybe three or four different autoharp tracks here, including a distorted autoharp that I really dig. And a backwards autoharp! These autoharps say "Happy Halloween!" [more inside]
For the MeFi Music Challenge: Here is a happy little song about insects for the education and edification of children. [more inside]