59 posts tagged with MefiMusicChallenge and guitar.
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The Leaving of Liverpool
I had a great time collaborating with billiebee on a cover of this traditional folk song/sea shanty. The goal was to record a simple arrangement that was different from the more lively covers out there -- to borrow billiebee's phrase, a gentler version. I'm hoping our rendition highlights the lovely melody of the song. [more inside]
Good (Cover)
Better Than Ezra's "Good" is one of my all-time favorite songs. [more inside]
Thoughts in B-flat
In the past couple of weeks, I found myself going back to a piece that I'd started working on a few years ago -- probably because it's in a slower triple meter that's somewhat calming for me. This is a condensed one-minute version, featuring piano and guitar, for the 60 Seconds and Under #2 MeFi Music Challenge. [more inside]
Like the 90's
A song about the winter weather or lack thereof, the defining El Niño of my childhood, family troubles, a metaphor about my lack of perspective, and an impression of a musical sheep. [more inside]
Nightmare Tunnel
Loops of slow disorienting guitar noises, and other sound wierdness. Sections fade in and out of one another, building and cresting. I picture it akin to an adult version of riding on Willy Wonka's fucked-up boat ride. [more inside]
Kitten (in my robot purse) cover
Coming late to this great mefimusic challenge. So many I still want to cover, but here's my noir version of umbú's excellent Kitten (in my robot purse), a song that packs way more adorable and awesome into less than three minutes than should feasibly fit. Hope I'm doing it justice. [more inside]
Whimsy Will Be the End of Me
A remix of an old acoustic cover of a Slipknot song. Glitched-out and re-sampled beyond recognition.
We'll Meet Again (In A Minute)
A great song by Vera Lynn, not performed by Vera Lynn.
Guitar, vocals, pump organ (back again!), a slinky, and hand sounds. [more inside]
Request: "I have long wished for a happy, loud, upbeat version of The Beatles 'Michelle.'" [more inside]
Bury It All (QOTSA raffle request)
Based loosely of Queens of the Stone Age's "Suture Up My Future" [more inside]
Soul Love
I really won't be able to come up with another / better / thing based on the Bowie song. Too busy fixing the meals, painting the walls, going to the bank... I consider this my back porch approximate version of Soul Love. Some chords (most chords I guess) are only in the vicinity of the original ones. Be kind. It's been recorded while my daughter was taking a nap, I tried not to be too noisy.
As the unimaginative title suggests, this is my entry for the April MeFi Music challenge. It's an ambient type of thing, largely made from reversed guitar recordings. [more inside]
I don't think it meets the bar MajorDundee set, but I gave it a shot. Adapted the words from Belladonna. Learned a lot! [more inside]
Auld Lang Syne, ragtime fingerstyle arrangement
It's been five years since my last attempt at arranging Auld Lang Syne. I thought I might try to start a small fire under it this year. [more inside]
Glory, Glory, Hallelujah
A ragtime arrangement of one of the most ear-wormy, riffiest songs I know. [more inside]
All The Small Things
I seem unable to cover songs (even those I hate) without making them sound completely earnest.
Leave Her, Johnny
Here is an entry for the January Challenge! It is by me and rangefinder 1.4. It is a cover of "Leave Her, Johnny," a traditional sea shanty that was sung by sailors at the end of a voyage, as they were preparing to leave their ship ("her" in the song). [more inside]
This is That
I have no idea what this is, but at least zephyr_words sent me a great bass track for it.
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
An arrangement for solo electric guitar.
Six is where you take the three and make it two times
I was alone. It was late at night. March was approaching its end and I had to sing a song about the multiplication table. I had no lyrics. I recorded some guitars and then pressed record on the vocals to see what would happen. [more inside]
My Voice on Carl's Home Answering Machine
Does what it says on the box, with guitar. Solve the Limerick Challenge! [more inside]
O Little Town of Bethlehem
douce nuit
Short, with improvised and awkwards chunks, various mistakes, and a outro that flirts with crashlanding. Peace.
violent night.
ok.. but what if I had played my guitar like I was closing my eyes imagining pretending to be metallica, (hey no lawsuits please some kind of monster, it truly doesn't sound like y'all at all, and only happened in pretend land. ("That's where I'm a pirate") playing silent night, while also playing a backing that sounds (a little tiny) "velouria" (ish) [more inside]
No Known Survivors
Something horrible has happened in this place. It will never be the same. Be thankful you weren't present. [more inside]
The Bottom Falls Out of the Clouds (demoriffic version)
cortex was kind enough to let me borrow the lyrics from his song "The Bottom Falls Out of the Clouds" (which he wrote for the first ever MeFi Music Challenge), and allow me to set them to new folky/acoustic/lo-fi music for this month's challenge. [more inside]
Waiting for the Man
VU & Nico Challenge. [more inside]
There She Goes Again
My submission to the Music Challenge, July 2009 edition. Advice to the lovelorn john from Uncle Lou. [more inside]
Run Run Run
My Velvet Underground homework. There's some backing falsetto in here and some piano and stuff. [more inside]
A largely pointless endeavor, a rendition of Hallelujah with quick fingerpicking and banjos (what's new?).
Instrumental nylon string guitar, borrowing harminocally from Mr Cohen, but in my own style. Hope everyone enjoys it. [more inside]
This is the soundtrack to a movie about Leonard Cohen going on a rafting trip in rural Appalachia. [more inside]
Why donchu go
On man.. the first line and the rhythm were written while walking to class three or four years ago in a wisdom tooth Vicodin sunshine. A couple of days before April this year I woke up early some Sunday morning and just started playing the same two 'chords' over and over again (A7#9sus4 (just bar the 5th) and Amaj .. although it probably was closer to Amin/E to Amaj/E). Combine that with a corrupted version of the 'Why don't you move back to Massachusetts!' line from Do the Right Thing and you've got something sounding like early tired Sunday mornings. [more inside]
Everywhere With Helicopter (feat. jessamyn; Guided By Voices cover)
So, what was it, November when the MeFi Challenge was unofficially "requests for covers from other MeFites"? But this goes even further back... sometime last summer, Jessamyn said she wanted to do a cover--with me!--of Guided By Voices' "Everywhere With Helicopter." "OK," I said, "but you have to sing and make jangly noises with things around your apartment." [more inside]
A little two-chord reverie that shuffles around for a bit and then disappears. [more inside]
You're Not Alone
My contribution to the two-chord challenge. A sleepy little song with fingerpickin' guitar, piano, and some three part "harmony." I experiment a little more with my voice on this one. [more inside]
When the Sun and Moon Do Shine
A New Great Depression era jaunt with undertones of cracked optimism. Thanks to RussHy for the inspiration through the lyrics challenge. [more inside]
Santa Claus is comin' to town
A cover of the "I'll be watching you" of Christmas songs, recorded with my dear friend okclementine. [more inside]
Response to several challenges. [more inside]
Here comes your man
Because it hath been requested.
Todo Los Dolores (Devendra Banhart cover)
Jumping in on the music challenge to cover a song in a language you don't speak. I have no idea what I am saying in this song. [more inside]
Elves in Iceland
Sort of a cheating entry to the wildcard challenge - a flowy, stringy instrumental. [more inside]
Roads of Plenty
My attempt at the Metafilter lyric challenge [more inside]
Flyball's Lament (the cover one)
A version of my still-favorite all-time MeMu song by the inimitable Great Big Mulp, for the June challenge. [more inside]
Deeper Towards My Maker
A belated MeFi Music Challenge entry, a waltz in D major. [more inside]
As kids
A short instrumental, played over an old tape of me reading something in French as a kid. [more inside]
Stressed out? Listen to this healing song and follow it's prescription to the letter! [more inside]
Jessamyn's Song
Well boys and girls, I imagine this is what it would sound like if one was lucky enough to hang out on the front porch with our favorite banjo picking librarian. Yes, that's jessamyn on banjo! (collaboration)
A Shrieking Blue
Very short, two sparse verses, some pickin'. [more inside]
Cough It Up
A song about dying [more inside]
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