28 posts tagged with MefiMusicChallenge and lofi.
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maskmaker, maskmaker
lofi relyricization of harnick/bock song from fiddler on the roof for the sars-cov-2 era. another quarantune! [more inside]
The Leaving of Liverpool
I had a great time collaborating with billiebee on a cover of this traditional folk song/sea shanty. The goal was to record a simple arrangement that was different from the more lively covers out there -- to borrow billiebee's phrase, a gentler version. I'm hoping our rendition highlights the lovely melody of the song. [more inside]
Thoughts in B-flat
In the past couple of weeks, I found myself going back to a piece that I'd started working on a few years ago -- probably because it's in a slower triple meter that's somewhat calming for me. This is a condensed one-minute version, featuring piano and guitar, for the 60 Seconds and Under #2 MeFi Music Challenge. [more inside]
Chimes & Oatmeal
Here's my submission (finally) for the assignment I got for the Great Raffle Request Challenge a few years back. The request: "Record a song (cover or original) on an instrument you don't really know how to play."
This one's for Secretariat! [more inside]
ian curtis' bathroom surprise
Oh shit. I lost the power supply to the br-532 in the move, so to be econimical i got a br-800 which arrived this week.. i recorded all this within the last 2 hours and about a half hour ago realized i had no idea how to get it off the damn thing. turns out it was the same way as the 532 but to make a short story short used the mixing on the 800 and um.. here we go.. straight off the br-800.. also played bass for the first time in 500 years
Let Down
Lofi Computer stumbles on.
Exit Music (for a Film)
Another track from Lofi Computer. [more inside]
Karma Police
Here there be sludge. [more inside]
Paranoid Android
The epic second track off the Roddy's O-Face record. It's pretty hefty compared to the rest of the songs, so make sure you can handle a solid minute and forty five seconds. [more inside]
Sweet, I tracked down the opening track off Lofi Computer. [more inside]
Subterranean Homesick Alien
In the six months they were together, Roddy's O-Face went through three bassists, the last of whom insisted on being called "The Colonel" at all times. This was a song about the town they were all going to high school in. [more inside]
Karma Police
Here's another Roddy's O-Face track off their Lofi Computer album! If I remember right, Ned wrote this one, and it's about his ex-girlfriend's cop dad and the time he drew a magic marker Hitler stache on her at a party when she passed out, or something like that. [more inside]
No Surprises
As recorded in Tom's mom's garage by the infamously unfamous punk ingenues Roddy's O-Face. From their first and only album, Lofi Computer. [more inside]
two princes
February Challenge - "What was the first single you ever bought?" [more inside]
See, I think about weird stuff. Like, what would happen if you combined Creed and (a really sloppy, tuneless version of) The Buzzcocks? Heh, well, you'd get the Creedcocks, wouldn't you? And you know, I think they might sound a little something like this... [more inside]
Tumbalalaika, a traditional Russian Jewish love song. Generally sung in Yiddish, presented here in English. [more inside]
María tero lero lé
One for the 'traditional' challenge. [more inside]
Bride of the Creature From the Deep
The Bottom Falls Out of the Clouds (demoriffic version)
cortex was kind enough to let me borrow the lyrics from his song "The Bottom Falls Out of the Clouds" (which he wrote for the first ever MeFi Music Challenge), and allow me to set them to new folky/acoustic/lo-fi music for this month's challenge. [more inside]
Sunday Morning
A Sunday morning here.
Am7 + Gm7. My submission to the two chord challenge.
El aparato
Mary Mary
A NSFW song about Mary (full of grace!) recorded in 2001 on a Tascam 4 track with an SP-202 and some ridiculous records and friends. From the same album as last year's Tryptophantastic. [more inside]
Sad, Sad Song
My Little Corner of the World
As requested by chococat, and featuring the great Karlos The Jackal on marimba and toy piano. [more inside]
Canção de amor
Creature From the Deep
I bought an old box of Fruit Brute on eBay last week and it had one of those paper records attached to it. The song was so rad, I had to digitize it to share with MeFi. [more inside]
That's Easy For You To Say
My submission to the "a song sung in a language you don't speak" challenge. [more inside]