163 posts tagged with Noise.
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Weird Dream House
Lucid dreaming heartbeat house. Field recordings and textures recorded within the last week here in Seattle. [more inside]
You Will Obey Only My Commands
Some lighthearted dance music for Daleks, from an unusually fertile period in 2009.
Train Ride to Oly
The second preview track to my upcoming album. [more inside]
Noisey's TV show.
This is a chopped up awful tv show. 53 points if you can figure out what the show is. This is a solo piece, BTW.
You and I, and he, are all who have this key [more inside]
duck hack attack
my friend found and hacked a dollar-store musical toy duck...and this piece is made of the awful and fascinating sounds we made with it. [more inside]
Rosemary & Chives
Clap Around
Mulp and I worked on this yesterday. He played bass, synth, guitar + vocals. I did the programming, mixing + vocals.
It's a rough mix, but a fun start to a new project.
It features mostly instruments modded or repaired by me incidentally. [more inside]
A High Mountain is the Ideal
More noisy electro/break bitmuxing. (beta mix)
Get out!
So there was this awesome ask.MeFi post, "For Grigori I sold goat" -- A Christmas Mystery. [more inside]
This began as an improvised piece involving a Poly Evolver synth, a Memory Man pedal, and an iPhone running Moog Filtatron. Then I decided to bury everything in noise, fuzz and tape flutter until it became nigh-unlistenable. Enjoy!
put the sound in my ear again, it felt good in there
an improvisation on my smart phone, recorded in the breakroom during my lunch break at work [more inside]
n900 improv
An improvisation on an instrument programmed using the csound DSL for audio synthesis, running in real time on a nokia n900 smart phone. [more inside]
Teen Island
Welcome to Teen Island (Season One). We here at MTV started this reality show with the best of intentions. But things have gone horribly, horribly wrong. [more inside]
Shut The Door Behind You
Noise and feedback. Swirling, swirling, swirling! [more inside]
LA River Fork (test mix)
Cruising down the LA river from Griffith Park to East Side while utterly stoned on a sunny afternoon on a low key adventure past huge graffiti, booming lowriders, homeless camps and a surprising amount of nature.
Some noisy, synth-driven ambience from my new album, Never a chance.
Termites Dream Birds
In the spirit of David Tudor's Rainforest pieces, but the wrong animal is singing. [more inside]
bitquake 2
Remix/remaster of "this is what it sounds like when you shrink a lowrider down and go cruising around for circuits to listen to on in a motherboard and then there's an earthquake" for better bass and mixdown. [more inside]
this is what it sounds like when you shrink a lowrider down and go cruising around for circuits to listen to on in a motherboard and then there's an earthquake
Girl / 1927
Piano, voice, glitch, noise.
an inadvertant end
Me and MeFi's own Minus215Cee. I play the squishy trumpet and scratchy electronics toward the right, he plays the sharp sax toward the left. [more inside]
A new synth program still in progress at the time. I hit 'record' only to consider various knob twiddlings, instead it turned out to be a complete solo. [more inside]
public 0.7 (Da Vinci)
A recording of live synthesis made in Da Vinci park. [more inside]
public 0.3 (Laurelhurst)
A performance with a synth made using the supercollider programming language [more inside]
A Love Song For George Rekers
George Rekers, one of the founders of Focus on the Family, needs love and self acceptance. This love song is made with his own words, as recorded by a journalist shortly after he was seen with an escort at an airport (along with some simple synthesizers). [more inside]
There Could Be a Reason
A short song with some talking. Two tracks of ukulele, a drum loop, one canned organ blast, distortion. It's 8 degrees outside and the song reflects that. Recorded by The Grandma Sylvias, January 2010.
Atriplex - Saladin Circle
Some shifting noise and randomness. [more inside]
Oh sheeps
Just some music I just made just now. [more inside]
dick up the jams
HTEETH remix of Carpet of Sexy vaguely referencing the MC5 [more inside]
a song by my band, fm campers. don't really know where this falls, genre-wise... electronic rock noise-pop? [more inside]
Misanthropic Moods
Spoken word/ambient noise piece stolen from and dedicated to e.e. cummings on this day, the near midpoint between his birthday and deathday.
Processing Eidolons
There's noise in the chain. [more inside]
Used To Be Bohemian (Disgruntled Version)
A "disgruntled" version of a song I've been playing with for a while. Wrote the 'actual' song, but ended up preferring this nasty explosion of multi-tracked vocal and noise to the acoustic version.
The Feengur Waltz
Distorted dance music, like Black Dice but maybe slightly less abrasive. [more inside]
Atriplex - Diplomatic Relationship with China
Something a bit slow, dark, broody and noisy. [more inside]
Early loop-based experiment. [more inside]
reverse vampires under negative rainbows
Recorded in 2003 by my band, struction. Noisy, loud, fast. [more inside]
A track from my defunct band, Struction.
Fast and loud.
[more inside]
Big Sound (Rubber Band Box)
3753 cruithne
Continuing with my beat-oriented theme of late. Autechre-like, but they're still 1,000 times better than I am. This one's noisy and glitchy, just the way I like it.
The Ghosts Sing About Ayler
Albert Ayler wrote music about ghosts, witches, devils, demons, and angels.
The levels on this range widely. If you use a compressor, you get a declawed piece, but not the one I wrote. [more inside]
chthonian planets 4
A curious alien has snatched one of our spacecraft from orbit and sent back a very strange signal...
doesn't have to hurt
A loud composition, in 7/4 time, 120 BPM. [more inside]
accreting protostar
High dynamic range and distortion wrapped in a a heartbeat-like 73 BPM.
Another old one. It's a little rough, but enjoyable. Contains guitar, didgeridoo, part of some commercial, and small flammable animals. Bits were inspired by bagpipes and Albert Ayler.
hyperluminous quasar
Something a spacecraft might hear on the edge of the solar system
naivE remix
Remix of a friends' band recording (and some side project done with me) from sometime around 2001-2002.
I'm certainly in the mood for a party (same era)
There was also an intro using bits of this mix, but I think it's only on some ancient mini-DV tape for now..
Mbira Experiment 1 of 2
WARNING: High pitched feedback.
Sorry about your ears to everyone streaming the RSS. [more inside]
2 minutes and 30 seconds of crap