55 posts tagged with Piano and guitar.
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Irregular Apocalypse
Unexpectedly optimistic instrumental. [more inside]
The should have killed us when they had the chance
Slow burn instrumental. Bass, guitar, my son on keys (he's 13 today!). [more inside]
Get out get out get out
Post of the week...intense acoustic folk song. Guitar, vocals, piano.
Deeper Well (Emmylou Harris cover)
I love this song. Cover with guitar, piano. From her 1995 album Wrecking Ball, which Wikipedia calls "career redefining."
Does this belong in a movie?
There's a song with words and stuff that this was originally based on, but I like the instrumental version better.
Mellow, textured, haunting, builds slowly. What do you think?
Let's try that again
This is a complete reworking of a song I posted before (17) which is now...prettier? Mellower? Flows more? What do you think of my new direction?
[more inside]
Reasonable Excuse
Piano, guitars and drum Instrumental, some unresolved tension. [more inside]
Thoughts in B-flat
In the past couple of weeks, I found myself going back to a piece that I'd started working on a few years ago -- probably because it's in a slower triple meter that's somewhat calming for me. This is a condensed one-minute version, featuring piano and guitar, for the 60 Seconds and Under #2 MeFi Music Challenge. [more inside]
Distant Past
Jessamyn bought me a really nice sounding small guitar, twenny bux with all the trimmings! I'd also just bought a really sweet Yeti Blue mic off Craigslist for $25. What a bargain! So this is how I tested the two out. [more inside]
I am aiming for "grand, yet subdued". I see all sorts of magnificent people and dignified creatures parading slowly by. [more inside]
two lovers
Gentle, warm, almost mantra-like song featuring guitars, piano, bass, lap steel, drums, bass, melodica, and vocals -- kinda sorta about seeing love as an art project. [more inside]
it's the now
Listening to some old songs of mine, I came upon this one from 2004. It's a rather sweet, romantic little thing written about a depressing period in my relationship at the time. [more inside]
Your Destroyer
This is a rough mix of a nearly finished tune. Wanted to unleash it a bit early. [more inside]
As the unimaginative title suggests, this is my entry for the April MeFi Music challenge. It's an ambient type of thing, largely made from reversed guitar recordings. [more inside]
Heroes Run
A story of an unexpected journey, and a choice to make; part rock opera, part... wolfdog, I guess. Lyrics inside! [more inside]
You Are Now Origami Swan
Another improvised electro-acoustic/glitch tune.
Folk Song 2
Next song in a series of electronic pieces with sampled acoustic instruments.
Getting back into the flow of some bedroom recording on a Sunday.
Just what the world needs: another cover of a hit pop song by a white guy with his guitar. [more inside]
This is That
I have no idea what this is, but at least zephyr_words sent me a great bass track for it.
An ode to women featuring guitars, piano, melodica, and lap steel. [more inside]
Where you are
This is a quick little tune about a few people I'll never meet. [more inside]
Memo To My Son
I love Randy Newman. Along with the Beatles, Simon & Garfunkel, and Cat Stevens, he was the first musician I fell in love with as a child, thanks to my parents. I've covered him once before on MeFi. Now I'm doing it again. [more inside]
14 Candles
Not So Kind
A very short little song wherein I take the harshly honest route toward an old friend. [more inside]
I Talk To Myself
This song started off as a 30 second pitch for a cell phone commercial. [more inside]
her name is hope
I wrote this after attending a concert late last year. Just finished (?) the recording. It's kind of a tribute to the musician I saw -- maybe you can guess who it is? Either way, it's a track that features guitars, pianos, fretless bass, vibes, drums, vocals and a lap steel part in the chorus that I'm really satisfied with. [more inside]
This is a love song I wrote for my girlfriend shortly after we met. [more inside]
The Ballad of Cherry Hill
This is the lead-off track from the forthcoming EP, Labyrinths, by Steve Goldberg and the Arch Enemies, to be released 1/7/10. It's a wistful slice of indie-pop about insomnia, suburban isolation, and the boredom of hometowns. [more inside]
oslo nights
This is a quiet, meditative, minimalist instrumental piano piece, with occasional visits by vibes, fretless bass and lap steel guitar. You might want to play it somewhat loudly to hear some of the softer notes. Do you think it's finished, or should I add something? [more inside]
do you ever
This track switches between three time signatures, and features an intro with a style of singing I guess one could call very vaguely eastern. It's a slow and gentle affair with softly distorted ebowed guitar, piano, and xylophone. It also includes a guitar solo in which a single note is played repeatedly. And lyrics that are pretty silly. [more inside]
Waiting for the Man
VU & Nico Challenge. [more inside]
Run Run Run
My Velvet Underground homework. There's some backing falsetto in here and some piano and stuff. [more inside]
Where the Nest Goes
A resurrected ditty from more than a decade ago -- finally retooled it and recorded it properly. Another Geese tune. I originally wrote it for my then-infant son Mikey (who was heard on other recent tunes I've submitted to MeFi Music). I think it has an old-school flavor (with a pinch of the Monkees and ABBA). Enjoy. [more inside]
You're Not Alone
My contribution to the two-chord challenge. A sleepy little song with fingerpickin' guitar, piano, and some three part "harmony." I experiment a little more with my voice on this one. [more inside]
stopping by woods
Back in either middle school or high school, in music class, I wrote my very first melody with a classmate named Mathias Knutzen. The assignment was to take a text from one of our books and create a song with it. We chose Robert Frost's poem and came up with this pseudo-jazzy tune. I always liked it, so I kept the "digital chord sheet" around and played it from time to time. More than 15 years later, here now is a brand new recorded version -- complete with brushed drums and falsetto background vocals. [more inside]
It's a love song baby
Taking a short break from challenges to make a quick love song. [more inside]
In Your Name
I've spent the past couple of months trying to improve my production skillz with my limited resources. This is the first song to come out of it all (probably because it's the simplest) with more on the way hopefully! [more inside]
theme from "gone"
undulate underling
A short, lyrically strange new song partly based on a dream. [more inside]
Chester v3
First mix of fer-realz recording of one of my songs: Chester. Per my last AskMefi post, please critique it! [more inside]
Bury Your Tracks
A more ambitious song I've been working on for a while. Would really, really love any feedback. [more inside]
My little place
A repetitive, driving song featuring my first foray into recording piano-ery. It also has a jammy rockout outro (rockoutro?). [more inside]
Blankets and Pillows
Recorded last summer sometime, was on a solo album I produced. [more inside]
on and on and on
An atheist's song about the nature of politics and religion in the U.S.
the vase
My wife accidentally broke a vase. This song resulted. It was recorded in a couple of days inbetween other projects. I used no clicktrack, metronome or drum beat, so the timing is nice and loose (in a good way, I hope). It's short, so listen twice!
Scrap Heap Songs
We're just blowing our own horns. We're just growing our own horns.
wedding song
Piano-based song written for my wife, for our recent wedding. As usual with my songs, it's slow and sparse. A lot of vocal layering going on, and some electric guitar to round things out in the chorus. Enjoy!
Perfect Martyr
One of my bands, The Man So Cool, did some recording a couple
weeks ago for a demo disc. We're still working on final vocals and
proper mixes, but this is a pretty good rough mix of one of the songs.
Links to the other three songs can be gotten over
A calm and smooth falsetto song with lyrics lifted from an emergency first aid poster (with some additions turning it into a love song). Features guitar, bass, piano, and electronica-style rhythmic vocal snippets.
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