88 posts tagged with Rock and instrumental.
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For anyone who loves Tortoise and especially the fired up drive of their first two albums, or maybe Sputniks Down, you will likely love an ear-scoop of this Ummagma track. [more inside]
This instrumental explores not only ambiences and walls-of-sound seemingly inspired directly by cosmic travels, but also features electronics, samples, drones, and beautifully melodies peppered with a lot of dissonance, creating sonic tapestries perfectly suited for reflecting, reading an Arthur C. Clarke (or Isaac Asimov) book and taking a journey through the stars. This is Sounds of Sputnik.
Ambiguous Sense of the Future
Post-rock always seems embedded with the sense that something is dire; however, shake it up a bit to get a kind of post-rock indie shoegaze vinaigrette and Sounds of Sputnik is likely what you would come up with. This is Ambiguous Sense of the Future.
A semi-instrumental song given a second life after a decade in the demo wilderness. [more inside]
Desert's Edge
Just some instrumental rock I've had kicking around for awhile. Not much to it.
Do The Rumble
Tried my hand at pulpy instrumental rock. [more inside]
Unseen Ring of Fire
Another Improvisational thing from my new band Carbon 7. This one's a bit long, at 19 minutes. [more inside]
Man Was Created (And Quite Frankly, Some of Us Are a Little Embarrassed by the Concept)
Recorded live in 2004 by my high school garage band (though we were in my living room [better acoustics] for this take). I'm on the drums. Sound quality is courtesy of my drum teacher and his equipment. Instrumental. (Hear that pause during the chorus? Yeah, MY IDEA).
(Download for best quality) [more inside]
Police Action!
A riffy instrumental I recorded a long time ago on a cassette 4-track.
Middle of the Road
A little pop/rock instrumental. I'll probably get around to doing a version with vocals someday.
A quick surf-punk blast thru the Ukrainian folk song which was neutered into Carol of the Bells. For the challenge, obviously! [more inside]
This is... baroque electronic dance rock? Well, perhaps. I think it will keep you entertained for 5 minutes, at any rate. There are a lot of things that go whoosh, a thing that goes ping, and rather a lot of things doing things near the end. [more inside]
Thoughts of Rain
This is a chill instrumental easy listening rock piece. Drums, bass, guitar, and saxophones accompanied by a storm. [more inside]
Jiggy Romp (short version)
This is an upbeat guitar instrumental idea with a rock/tropical feel. [more inside]
Lost in the Desert
A lengthy (slightly self indulgent) electric guitar piece, I've performed it live with drums and bass but this is recorded just with guitars. Its quite rocky, especially half way through the piece. Bit of a change of pace from my previous postings, hope everyone likes what they hear. If anyone wants to record some drums for it I'd be happy to hear it!
I was flipping through an old binder of songs I wrote in high school and came across this instrumental. I saw some potential there and decided to record it. Twenty years ago, it was supposed to be a fusion thing, along the lines of Hiroshima. I opted for something a bit harder instead.
The Determinator.
A classic punk rock song. [more inside]
Saturday Morning
Because I thought you might need a theme song for your Saturday morning cartoon starring Steven Seagal. [more inside]
One of the earlier songs by Kinda Panda [more inside]
March On
Feeling like the day won't end even through the dawn,
Tommorrow brings the thought of hope helping us March On.
While the Gittin' is Good
Surfy-punky song inspired by a friend's recent decision to quit his job and travel for a while. Recorded in GarageBand, drums provided by a drummer friend who tapped them out on his keyboard for me because none of the drum loops sounded right. My first complete project in GarageBand.
Superhero Theme Song
A short guitar instrumental I made for a friend's film.
return of the panda
Imagined Hungarians waltzing instrumental style.
Hunting for Foxes
Folk metal rock boogie instrumental, driving down the highway throwin' the horns.
This is one of the first raw demos of the composition which I was able to play with one of my Ibanez guitars...to be precise with ibanez rg. I'm planning to add a better version soon.
Classical music meets instrumental tango salsa rock. Live recording from the Ohio Action benefit show, October, Kenyon College. I took the solo on this track, replacing vocals with a violin "guest vocalist."
heir to the would-have-beens
i just finished moving my pile of equipment from the garage into the house for winter, and to celebrate i did a special mix of the latest song from the project mentioned here to share with y'all.
Bigger, Cheaper Buzz
I've been messing around playing the guitar for about a year, but I recently got a drum machine and decided to start trying to write some songs. This is my second. The song has lyrics, but I haven't recorded the vocals yet. Recording was done in Garage Band.
Jimi's Private Parts
inspired by this.
Who Will Venture?
it was a dark and stormy night...
Juju Sparkle
sparkling and uncategorizable, like my friend madamjujujive.
Mark Foo's Last Ride
Mark Foo rewrote the rules of big-wave surfing and turned it into a high-stakes, high-profile thrill show. So when the biggest, baddest new surf break -- Mavericks -- started to churn out 40-foot waves in December 1994, it was inevitable that he'd be there. This tune celebrates his last ride.
Previous tunes here and here.
Balkan Red Alert, Part I
Balkan-tinged surf-rock ode to Gavril Princip from Cesare Gorgeous & The Strange Attractors. That's me (Cesare) on, um, everything. Previously in the same ilk: A Theory of Everything. More to come.
Sumomo Mo Momo
Improvised sludge-rock by three people who'd never played together before. Stereo-action guitar pyrotechnics by nylon.
The Cool Road to Hell
This was my band in college, a surf-instrumental-spy-rock four-piece: bass, drums, guitar, and violin. I'm playing bass in this song.
A Theory of Everything
Twangsome surf-rock from The Strange Attractors, recorded when I should have been writing screenplays. That's me kicking the reverb tank at the beginning.
Trees + Herbs Just Got Easier
cloeburner and I used to be in an improv noise rock band called cloeburner. When I listen to this song, I think of a majestic bald eagle, sinking slowly into a pool of lava and contemplating its own mortality. I hope you will, too.
Imaginary Dance
Guitar-heavy, folk-inflected rock instrumental.
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