15 posts tagged with cello and improv.
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Specks> Uniquify
So closes another chapter of the Gyrophonic discography. We end Step Outside with two tracks, which elide into each other. The second track begins around the 4'20" mark. [more inside]
Un Poco Masada
A little bit Bang on a Can, or simply hacking away on instruments we don't play? You be the judge! [more inside]
Plínk, Plønk, Pləŋk
A lovely string quintet (of sorts), and the second track from the 2011.06.09 session, with our friend and guest performer, Luke Furman. [more inside]
Antepuntal Regression
The first track of the night's session, which may very well become a new entry in our An Evening With... series. This week featured special guest Luke Furman, and his wonderful array of toys/instruments, including several Ocarinas...Ocarinae? Ocar-enises? [more inside]
2011.03.24: Cello, Mandolin, Baritone Ukulele (Part 2)
The second and final chapter of our little improvised suite of minimalist strings. This bit features a rhythmic drone on electric mandolin. Enjoy. [more inside]
2011.03.24: Cello, Baritone Ukulele, Electric Mandolin
Part 1 from a small suite of minimalist, all-string improvisations. [more inside]
Rodrigo de Lanzòl-Borgia
What is possibly left to be said of Pope Alexander VI that hasn't already been said? Answer: Honestly, compared to the standards of secular nobility of the time, he really wasn't any worse. [more inside]
2010.09.02-01: Cello, Guitbass, QSR, Flaut
The debut of my new, beautiful Telecaster Guitbass, and a lovely bit of ambience to kick off the session. [more inside]
2010.08.26-04: Cello Solo with Delay
The title says it all. Effects are manipulated live by yours truly, cello by Tommy Scheurich. Check out the video here, taken by Trey Beauregard (man vs sun). [more inside]
2010.08.19-05: Rejection
In a thread MajorDundee started a few weeks ago, he poses a query, "What talismans, icons etc do you have in your musical workspace?"
Allow me to expand upon my response... [more inside]
2010.08.26-01: Electric Horn, Electric Guitar, Cello
Experimenting in experimentation with various experiments. [more inside]
Subtlety doesn't come easy when you're all insane. [more inside]