4 posts tagged with fun by american caesar.
Displaying 1 through 4 of 4.
Mary Wants 2 be like Me (419 mix)
this is a tune I wrote over 11 years ago. Ive posted it once as "Marra Wanna be like me" The Version is a rare 4:19 mix. [more inside]
Ive ran a few gaming servers. A couple years back I was running a Counter Strike Source Jetpack Gun Game server. I needed a Connect song or Welcome/Join song so I recorded this. [more inside]
Down in New Orleans
This was a song I wrote about a fictional women that I didnt really meet. In fact I havent ever stopped in New Orleans I may have drove through along time ago. This song is one of three done at a studio. The drummer was way to uptight for my music. He kept saying he could play john bonham solo's and Im thinking this isnt really the place for Mr Bonham. I need Ringo here. Anyway they over recorded drums with alittle crackle. I had a friend do the bass and lead style playing and he held it togther enough to make it listenable. Thats when I went home studio after seeing the money I could throw away. Anyway this song was before the hurricane period as well by a year Id say. I just really wrote it cause I wanted something fresh for the studio and upbeat. Anyway Listen
If I had a Nickel
Just a song I wrote in while living in Austin Tx. *Warning* to listeners I do make use of that four letter word But I feel its in the taste of emotion that came with the feeling from writing this tune. The song wrote itself in about five mins as I just spit out the words. It wasnt till years later that I recorded it and it hasnt ever really changed in format or wording as I did try a cleaner version but as I said the emotions cry for the dreaded "F" word. I used to play on the streets down on 6th street alot just for fun. Anyway The message is we are really all the same and we could probably all do good if someone wasnt telling us how bad we are all the time. Lou Reed Once Said " Critics are like assholes everyone has one" The song is writtin around that thought. Please take no Offense I mean none its just a feeling put to music.