11 posts tagged with ghostrivercollegept2 by pyramid termite.
Displaying 1 through 11 of 11.
vampire deer - ash wednesday
song 11 and the end - a weird droney rememberance [more inside]
vampire deer - windmill burning
song 10 - a fictional account of the end of an era [more inside]
vampire deer - gonna rain
song 9 - it's just like high school - something's wrong with this place [more inside]
vampire deer - breaking nails
song 8 - those square pegs are going to fit in those round holes or ELSE [more inside]
vampire deer - the chase
song 7 - someone's always got to be the police ... [more inside]
vampire deer - football nation
song 6 - a long one with lots of guitar and some screaming [more inside]
vampire deer - grayscale morning
song 5 - so little has changed in 40 years [more inside]
vampire deer - boomerang
song 4 - no, you can't give it back cause it won't go away [more inside]
vampire deer - st wannabe
song 03 - it's difficult when people seem to be so much cooler and together than you [more inside]
vampire deer - dayglo windmill
song 2 - some ideas just don't catch on so fast - maybe if they'd planted some tulips in front of it ... and painted it green and brown and white with an american flag by it, like the one in holland, mi - but like a dayglo purple green yellow mandala? no ... [more inside]
vampire deer - coffeehouse blues
song 1 of ghost river college pt 2 - which is not as depressing as pt 1 was - a series of snapshots of the mid 70s [more inside]