270 posts tagged with improv.
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I - Introduction, Methodological Considerations, Presence of double-labeled neurons
Quite possibly the creepiest science paper ever. [more inside]
Island Home (Jersey (Bailiwick of))
In a truly avant-garde move, the last real gyrophoniation on Anthemic is an Anthem which isn't yet officially the anthem for the Crown Dependency it's supposed to represent. Also, does anyone know how such a beautiful island come to be the namesake of the Garbage State? [more inside]
Meda Dau Doka (God Bless Fiji)
Skipping the next track on the album, as it was the first to be posted here, we move to the nonsense version of the Fijian national anthem--the one in English. Mr. Prescott must have thought Fiji to be a much bigger, stronger, less who-gives-a-shit-worthy nation than it really is. [more inside]
Aegukka (The Patriotic Song - Korea (North))
Well, our country's kind of shitty,
But we love it anyway
(We have no basis of comparison!)
This is Anthemic. [more inside]
Mongol ulsyn töriin duulal (National Anthem of Mongolia)
I thought I'd share this with the mefi music makers and listeners. It's a sparkly-ish, delay-ish, electronic-piano-ish, one-take-ish, THC-ish improv/rhapsody. [more inside]
Marcia Pontifica (Pontifical Anthem - Vatican City)
Kassaman (We Pledge - Algeria)
Changing gears a bit, we go to one of the more fascinating anthems to grace the album. Kassaman's lyrics were written by Algerian poet Mufdi Zakariah while imprisoned by French colonial forces. He wrote the verses on his cell walls using his own blood. They are, by nature, extremely violent, and (far as I know) may comprise the only national anthem which mentions machine guns directly. [more inside]
Dideba (Praise - Georgia)
Next in line comes Georgia (the country, not the awful state). Oh, Georgia...your flag is classy as hell, your language looks like squiggly doom. You're pretty awesome. I'm so sorry. [more inside]
Blessings of the Swazi (Nkulunkulu Mnikati wetibusiso temaSwati - Swaziland)
Next from Anthemic comes a much more abstract interpretation of a much more obscure anthem, from a country many more people are prone to forget exists. It's also, probably, my personal favourite track of the whole album. I'd like to think it very deftly stomps through the full spectrum of brilliance and stupidity, at any and all times. [more inside]
Up Above the Young Rhine (Oben am jungen Rhein - Liechtenstein)
Presenting Anthemic: a collection of abstract interpretations of various obscure, entertaining, odd, or otherwise intriguing national anthems. We start with a fairly harmless country, and a fairly harmless interpretation of a fairly harmless anthem. [more inside]
Specks> Uniquify
So closes another chapter of the Gyrophonic discography. We end Step Outside with two tracks, which elide into each other. The second track begins around the 4'20" mark. [more inside]
Hooved animals and plants high in starch or methyl cellulose may want to avert their attention now. Kindergarteners, or any other fans of library paste, do we have a track for you!
from Step Outside, released 20 November 2011 [more inside]
Prelude> Moissanite
Moissanite, or silicon carbide, is often used to make synthetic diamonds. Listening to this track, for me, conjures imagery of a manmade crystal cavern, with an ethereal glow, and the not-quite-drip of not-quite-water.
The prelude ends and the track proper begins around 3:16. [more inside]
Track #3 from last night's new, pleasantly topped release, Step Outside, we move from the realm of ambient synth and effects to acoustic improv with some warm, tasty sax in the foreground. [more inside]
Track Nr. 1 from our new new new album, Step Outside, released tonight, 20 November 2011. We start with something a little familiar, and a little different. [more inside]
Which Way to the Apothecary?
Track 6 from our album Everything You See Here, released two weeks ago--the first of four, being released over the course of this month. Previously from this album... [more inside]
This is Not the Real World
In the real world, nobody voluntarily plays contrabassoon. Those who are forced to do so only play one note, and it's in long tones. This, however, is abstract, effected, avant-garde contrabassoon. This track comes from our newly released album, Everything You See Here. Don't ask about the alpaca. [more inside]
Allahu Akbar (Libyan National Anthem)
Topical? Certainly! Tasteless? Probably! Pantsless? Unfortunately not. Well fought, revolutionaries. I hope these days are the turning points you so need. [more inside]
Un Poco Masada
A little bit Bang on a Can, or simply hacking away on instruments we don't play? You be the judge! [more inside]
Balanced Inhibition and Excitation Drive Spike Activity in Spinal Half-Centers
I like turtles! [more inside]
Musicians Have Enhanced Subcortical Auditory and Audiovisual Processing of Speech and Music
The goal of this track is twofold: to serve as a field test of my "new" Korg MS-10, and to honour the impending departure of our esteemed string player and friend, Tommy Scheurich. [more inside]
Meditation on a riff
Piano improvisation for the "riffology" challenge. [more inside]
Nazgul's Lullaby
This is from a completely clean signal. No effects. Bask in the horror, and take off that bloody ring! [more inside]
Long-form synthetic ambience, with subtlety that will kick you in the face. Bitrate is HORRIBLE because of the size limit, so HBR and FLAC are available. As always, headphones recommended. [more inside]
Essential Elements for Developmentally Challenged Instruments
Fourth Page - Along The Weak Rope
this is the title track off the first album from a band i've been playing with for a wee while. it's all improvised and recorded live at the bottom of a garden. [more inside]
Uneffected Whamola Solo
Plínk, Plønk, Pləŋk
A lovely string quintet (of sorts), and the second track from the 2011.06.09 session, with our friend and guest performer, Luke Furman. [more inside]
Antepuntal Regression
The first track of the night's session, which may very well become a new entry in our An Evening With... series. This week featured special guest Luke Furman, and his wonderful array of toys/instruments, including several Ocarinas...Ocarinae? Ocar-enises? [more inside]
Whamola Solo #2
A bit more aggressive, percussive take on the new monster. Headphones/subwoofer are, again, mandatory, for maximum effect. FLAC available [more inside]
Discrete Magic
A bit of semi-long form semi-ambient semi-minimalist semi-something something something. Unfortunately, this is at a stupidly low bitrate because it's 22 minutes long, so higher bitrate MP3 and FLAC are available. [more inside]
Whamola Solo #1
A little field test of my newest toy. Once again, good headphones or speakers are recommended, as it tends to go subsonic. FLAC is also available. [more inside]
Contrabassoon + 2(Accordion)
Sometimes, you find exactly how many reeds you are absolutely necessary to make the sound you want, then you add two more accordions. Previously. [more inside]
Epilogue to Lightning
Warning: This recording includes heavy amounts of face-swallowing, house-rumbling, often subsonic bass. Also available in HBR MP3 and FLAC. For best results, use good headphones or speakers with a subwoofer. Apply directly to the forehead. [more inside]
Judgement Day
Let's go grab a pizza.
2011.04.21: Baritone Ukulele, Temple Block, Guitbass, QSR
Woodblock minimalism, combined with electronic soundscapes, alternate string tunings, and a nice healthy drone thrown in, for good measure. [more inside]
Prelude-Midnight (Trans-Siberian Orchestra)
Having already tackled Springsteen, Leonard Cohen, Christmas Music, and the Catholic Church, we decided that, for May's Challenge, it was time to up the ante to the second worst thing ever: TSO's non-Christmas music. [more inside]
Dog Explosion, Pt. 1
My next-door neighbours have a Scottish terrier which, upon being let into the backyard from inside the house, immediately yips so loudly that each bark forces it off the ground in a fit of screechy rage. Trey has a similarly annoying stupid-nosed Pekingese living above him, though its alleged "bark" is more of a failure, altogether. It's almost like someone timestretched the sound of basketball trainers on a gymnasium floor. There's no real attack; the sound just appears, then vanishes, only to return moments later. In retribution for these grievances, we have now made two separate attempts to make the latter dog explode via sonic assault. It's not supposed to be good; it's supposed to be incendiary. Please also enjoy this video for part 2. [more inside]
2011.03.24: Cello, Mandolin, Baritone Ukulele (Part 2)
The second and final chapter of our little improvised suite of minimalist strings. This bit features a rhythmic drone on electric mandolin. Enjoy. [more inside]
2011.03.24: Cello, Baritone Ukulele, Electric Mandolin
Part 1 from a small suite of minimalist, all-string improvisations. [more inside]
August 10
A long one-take improvisitation played live with Ableton echo and a vocal beat loop I recorded that I knob-twiddled while I played.
The Pope is Dead. Long Live the Pope.
They'd probably save a lot of trouble and idiocy at the Vatican if they would only institute this policy. [more inside]
Francesco Todeschini Piccolomini
Pope Pius III: His Facebook fan page says it all, but that may be because he served as pope for less time than William Henry Harrison served as POTUS. [more inside]
Rodrigo de Lanzòl-Borgia
What is possibly left to be said of Pope Alexander VI that hasn't already been said? Answer: Honestly, compared to the standards of secular nobility of the time, he really wasn't any worse. [more inside]
Giovanni Battista Cybo
Meet the inappropriately-named Pope Innocent VIII. Witch hunter. Innovator in the field of immolation. Simonist. Slave regifter. And don't forget about his army of bastard children placed the Vatican on the brink of financial ruin. [more inside]
Francesco della Rovere
Pope Sixtus IV was another notorious practitioner of nepotism. A member of the Franciscan Order of Friars, he was responsible for the commissioning of the Sistine Chapel, and authorized an Inquisition targeting converted (Jewish) Christians in Spain, at the request of Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand. He was largely responsible for endorsing the burgeoning artistic movements leading to the Italian Renaissance, but also renewed the crusade against the Turks and reinforced the slavery policy. [more inside]
Pietro Barbo
Paul II was a poster child (or grand-nephew) of papal nepotism. This fellow made it more difficult to downsize church government because of his tendancy to appoint new cardinals in private. Oh yeah, he also loved bling and some accounts cite his fatal heart attack happening whilst being sodomized by his boy lover. [more inside]
Enea Silvio Piccolomini
Pope Pius II, surprisingly, seems to have been a pretty legitimately good and interesting person; even serving as poet laureate of Austria before eventually ending up in, and finally head of, the largest organized crime syndicate in history. However, his greatest crime could be seen as being indirectly responsible for the Twilight series. [more inside]
Alfonso de Borja
You probably knew him better as Pope Callixtus III. His legacy, aside from his advanced age, feebleness and incompetence, is marked by a widely-spread (and patently false) rumor that he successfully exorcised Halley's Comet in 1456. [more inside]