5 posts tagged with mefimusicchallenge by xorry.
Displaying 1 through 5 of 5.
ian curtis' bathroom surprise
Oh shit. I lost the power supply to the br-532 in the move, so to be econimical i got a br-800 which arrived this week.. i recorded all this within the last 2 hours and about a half hour ago realized i had no idea how to get it off the damn thing. turns out it was the same way as the 532 but to make a short story short used the mixing on the 800 and um.. here we go.. straight off the br-800.. also played bass for the first time in 500 years
hallelujah was {not} a hoodrat..
Influenced in all honesty by freya_lamb and wilco. And coffee shops. And random bars on 'punk' night with the acoustic Brittney spears covers that no one pays attention to. And the noise. Oh ~ it's half some jens lekman. Also dedicated to tired, exhausted folks with good things going for them.
Why donchu go
On man.. the first line and the rhythm were written while walking to class three or four years ago in a wisdom tooth Vicodin sunshine. A couple of days before April this year I woke up early some Sunday morning and just started playing the same two 'chords' over and over again (A7#9sus4 (just bar the 5th) and Amaj .. although it probably was closer to Amin/E to Amaj/E). Combine that with a corrupted version of the 'Why don't you move back to Massachusetts!' line from Do the Right Thing and you've got something sounding like early tired Sunday mornings. [more inside]
Munich - 1970HundredThirtyTwoFifty
Another tale (the first, and only) involving Agent Expatokeydokey.. The fire sounds are from a hookah coal. The noise is from a failing cable from the psr-520.. or from me
Dance of the Ice Crab
There is a bowl filled with various amounts of wather (I tried to tune it in Gmin) and some synth (sub aqua)
Just found out about this contest today, did it in two hours! The lead is very rough and rushed (clumsy?), but it is interesting. This is the first time I've tried to create a song in years..