7 posts tagged with powerpop and original.
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A Darker Shade of Blue
The lead track off the album we just released. Like a lot of tracks on the album, I posted early versions of it here on MeFiMu so it might be fun to track the 19-year evolution from acoustic ballad to powerpop anthem.
New Shoes
One night when I was about twenty I dreamed about looking into a mirror and seeing my father's face staring back. It freaked me out, deeply, because I had made a conscious effort not to be like him. So this is a song about that. [more inside]
Don't Fool Me (2011 version)
Are we there yet? [more inside]
Rock, Paper, Scissors (the single mix)
Shorter, sweeter mix of this responding to some of the suggestions on the last one. Lost the first intro, cleaned up the drums, changed the harmonies slightly, brought up the melody guitars, and dropped in a blazing little guitar solo, even if I do say so myself! It's under three minutes now -- give it a listen! Now just have to figure out the B-side...
Rock, Paper, Scissors (1979 Powerpop Mix)
Balls out late 70s powerpop version of the song I posted an acoustic demo of yesterday. [more inside]
Simple Town (Full Version)
Feisty powerpop version of the a capella song I posted for the challenge. Man, this was another freakin' difficult song to mix, not least because it was the first one I did on my Yamaha HS50m monitors which Chococat recommended.You know when you go to the bathroom in the middle of the night in a hotel and accidentally turn on the overhead fluorescents and catch yourself stark naked in the most unflattering, pore-revealing detail and sort of gasp in horror? These speakers are like that. You fight them every inch of the way, not trying to get the song sounding good, but just to stop it sound so goddamn bad. [more inside]
Don't Fool Me (2010 version)
Today's espresso-driven shot of melodrama power-pop. Originally written around 1995, I think I finally nailed how it was supposed to sound. [more inside]