10 posts tagged with remix and dreampop.
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Kiev (Haioka Remix)
When a meeting of cultures occurs in a musical setting, something 'unordinary' may possibly occur. But when this meeting involves two awesome creators, it may even be extraordinary. Here Japan meets Ukraine and Canada, as celebrated Red Bull artist Haioka creates his own version of Ummagma 'Kiev'. Enjoy!
@Ummagma 'Kiev' (Haioka Remix)
I think the term remix is a big put off for many people and, if measuring according to the number of remixes out there that are just so standard dance-floor filler, it's understandable why there is such a stigma attached to this word. But there are moments of light shooting through when a producer or gifted musician manage to 'reconstruct' a song rather than just 'remix' it. Likely that's where the term 'rework' has started to become used more and more often.... to set them apart. Whatever you want to call it - here is one such track that differs significantly from the original in all it's stunning rework/remix glory. Kudos to Japanese producer Shintaro Haioka for this gift to Ummagma.
Lama (Mind Movies Remix)
So much music, so little time. Even in the mind of the remixer, likely that expression would sound something like "So many remix options, so little time"… which is why we're lucky there are so many different great remixers in this world (yes, there certainly are a lot of terrible ones too)… But here we have a wonderful remix by Brazil's Mind Movies of Ummagma's track 'Lama'. Certainly do hope you will enjoy this vision too.
Lama (Ian Baird Remix)
Words can only be twisted so many ways, but the same words can sound to a host of melodies. That's what happens when you dabble in the world of remixes too, such as this one by Ummagma. Really impressed with the transformation from the original track. [more inside]
Kiev (mashup)
Dream pop meets hip hop full on, and the mesh essentially delivers what feels like a natural sound, as if that is how it was intended to be all along. This track is somewhat on the dark side, accentuated by both the underlying music and vocals, hear's an earbite for you, care of Canadian-Ukrainian duo Ummagma & Canadian rapper Drake. [more inside]
River Town (Mind Movies Remix)
The vocals from the original version of River Town are scaled back and quite a few new dynamics added, but this remix embodies the same dreaminess as the source version nevertheless. This is virtually a rework more than a remix in any case.
Lama (Jane Woodman Remix)
When a musician, who has self-recorded and mixed everything (brilliant) he (she) has ever put out, eventually takes to creating a remix, the output can be somewhat spectacular. That is what happened when San Francisco shoegaze darkwave wonderkind Jane Woodman jumped into her very first remix for Ummagma 'Lama'. Hope you enjoy the output.
Lama (SOS Remix)
When you dig the original of a song so much that you can't imagine how anybody could possibly ever dissect it and re-embody it in an alternate format, sometimes you are pleasantly surprised when indeed someone comes along who capably does just that - with flair, good taste and a handful of cards up their sleeve, dealt ever so cleverly within the remix they have created. That's what we're talking about with this Sounds of Sputnik take on Ummagma's 'Lama'.
Lama (Mind Movies Remix)
Sometimes the original version of a song can be so cool that you think that any remix might just destroy it… and then someone thrills your tits by creating something new from it that sucks you write in a smooches you from the first note. This is one such rework.
Lama (Ian Baird Remix)
A while back, Ian Baird (A*Star, Spring Clock Wonder) did an awesome remix of Telling You (T.Y. Ian Baird Remix) by SPC ECO, Dean Garcia's main musical project since leaving Curve. Fortunately, he would eventually remix our song "Lama" by our duo Ummagma. Hope you enjoy this upbeat track.