6 posts tagged with singing by LN.
Displaying 1 through 6 of 6.
An Spealadoir
I'm baaaaaack! After quite a hiatus, during which much has happened, but myself and a friend were in the recording studio to make an album. Thought you fine folks would like a sample. This is a traditional song in the Irish language called "An Spealadoir", or the Hay cutter. My friend and I joke that of all the big songs in the Irish tradition about shipwrecks, wars, love lost and emigration, she managed to pick a song about cutting grass. Enjoy!
The Rescue at Arisaig
Another true story from my family... [more inside]
The No. 26 Mine Disaster
Written by the incomparable Alistair MacGillivray (who rocks my socks), this song was written after an accident at the No. 26 Colliery in Glace Bay, NS in 1979. [more inside]
Gaoth Barra na dTonn
My take on this wonderful Irish Gaelic song, which I learned from Clannad, and which was written by Diarmuid MacDiarmada. Donegaler Mefites, please don't kill me if I've mangled the pronunciation! [more inside]
The Private's Lament
The companion piece to the Turret Gunner's Farewell. This one's about my other great uncle, who fought in WWI and lived to tell the tale. (A bit more downbeat than TGF, and a bit of creative licence taken regarding his hometown.)
The Turret Gunner's Farewell
A song I wrote a couple of years ago as a tribute to my great uncle Bernard, who went down in a Halifax III during WWII. Oh hell. Just listen to the song to get the story.