33 posts tagged with solo by cortex.
Displaying 1 through 33 of 33.
The Human Condition (rough cut)
One of the nearly-finished songs for my almost-done RPM 07 album. Navelgazing lyrics, lush instrumentation.
Twist the Knife
Slow-building kiss-off material, recorded in 2006.
88 Lines About 44 Mefites
An ode to some of the more vibrant personas and memorable events in Metafilter history -- and an homage to the classic tune by The Nails. Lyrics with tremendous amounts of annotation inside.
At the Open Mic
A rough structural demo of one of the songs I've written this month.
Catchy, upbeat reflection on the simpler, softer times of my highschool
musical upbringing. Imagine this with a dozen people clapping and
singing along. And maybe an awesome guitar solo. I've still got three
weeks, after all.
You Are My Sunshine
Let's call it EMOldtimey. Or, really, let's not. It's not a damned clean rendition, but with this old heartbreaker you don't have to be. My pre-verbal niece was purported to love it, and that's good enough for me.
Three Dimensional
Absolutely ridiculous synth-and-spoken-word composition I recorded to
cut my teeth on Reason.
Despite What Santa Said
Running with the unofficial Christmas Comes Early themea one-off
from 2004, perfect for a mythical antichristmas album.
Working draft of an ode to those green-aproned mistresses of the coffee
Devil Blues
Satan has bad days too.
The Aural Times is Back
The nice thing about a musical website like AT is that when you apologize for a lame failure to update, you can do it in song.
Radio Cure (cover)
A lofi, live, solo acoustic cover of the fantastic Yankee Hotel Foxtrot track, recorded a few years back. Music has been way too slow the last couple days, dammit.
Waltzing In Space
Heavily manipulated wall of vocal harmony, runover, stabbed, and buried in a shallow grave.
Waltz Number Two
I, too, recorded this song! It came out a little bit weird, which is probably appropriate.
Doing the Churlish Pule
The dance craze that's sweeping the nation! Lyrics by languagehat.
A Man in a Boat in the Water
A song about songwriting.
Please Stop The Asshattery
America Online Releases Twenty Million Private Search Records
Pop rock recap of the recent AOL search snafu.
Iran To Pursue Atomic Research Despite Russian Plan
Creepy, moody synthballad about geopolitical nuclear politics, circa March 2006.
NSA Collected Massive Database of Phonecall Records
Pithy titles and me: not talking right now. A catchy little pop tune about domestic surveilance.
I'm Going Away
By god, it's a bluegrass song! Thought of it because of this superlative Williams interpretation.
Dr. Who Goes To (Final Fantasy) Town
Guitar instrumental from several years ago—improvised riff on Dr. Who, a theme from Final Fantasy 1 for the NES, and Pink Floyd's "One of these Days".
Yellow (Mic Test Demo)
An acoustic rough draft—the first thing I recorded after I bought my first condesor mic. Pretty, improvised.
Bush and Koizumi Visit Graceland
Electropop with shades of Postal Service. Diplomacy in action, a-thankyaverymuch.
No Good News Today
Fresh this evening. No good news today, for tomorrow's issue of The Aural Times. Because the news sucks lately.
Stay Away
A short, pretty, desperate conversation about need and rejection. Plus arpeggios!
Things Fall Apart
Singing and guitar and clapping and beerbottle flute and self-reflection. I posted this to the old music.metafilter.com back in 2003.
This is the first song I ever wrote. I was fifteen. I've come a long way, baby.
How To Fight Loneliness
Cover of a gorgeous Wilco song. This is an extremely spartan interpretation. You may need to turn your volume up.
German Cat Had Deadly Strain of Bird Flu
A little groove thing about the H5N1-positive German cat from awhile back. Beats via Sheep Beats; newsclips via Google Video; questionable vocals via my larynx.
Happy Birthday Alex
My little brother turned 23 this year, and I'm a cheapskate. Solution: record a song! Can be used for people named "Alice" and also in a pinch "Alan".
Stain on the Sheets
Moody rock narrative about lust and desperation and a broken girl.
matthewchen is spamming
Jangly, wistful guitarpop as requested.
Woman Attack Dog Breeder With Body Of Dead Chihuahua
Of dead puppies and retribution. Originally written for The Aural Times.