4 posts tagged with theremin and improv.
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Prologue/ The Burial of the Dead
Movement/track 1 of my new, MeFiMusic Challenge-inspired concept piece/album based upon The Wasteland. [more inside]
II - Distribution of single-labeled neurons and Conclusion
Mvt. II of Searching for Dual-Projecting Interneurons That May Contribute to Spinal Turtle Behavior. As with the first movement, this is a studio version/dry run we made before a live performance thereof this past Saturday. Once again, the vocals are from Virginia, via Google Voice. [more inside]
Long-form synthetic ambience, with subtlety that will kick you in the face. Bitrate is HORRIBLE because of the size limit, so HBR and FLAC are available. As always, headphones recommended. [more inside]
Trek of the Nautilus
Track 4 from our RPM album, Demons of Gyrophonia & the Rotatable Tremulant All-Stars, and the first time I've played theremin in almost a year. [more inside]