12 posts tagged with ukulele and harmonica.
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Best Booty on the Farm
Recently met a dog with a mighty fine behind. [more inside]
Chin Up, Cheer Up
This is a cover of a Ryan Adams song off his album Demolition. Unashamedly cheerful and bouncy, even if I have no idea what it's actually about. Video is here. [more inside]
The Same Four Chords
Inspired by this MeFi thread, I wanted to see if I could write a song using only the famous chord progression seen in "Don't Stop Believin'", "With Or Without You" and about a zillion other songs. This was the result. It's also a sappy love song, because those are fun to write. [more inside]
So We'll Go No More A-Roving
As it's Valentine's Day, here's a song about love. Well, kind of about love. Actually it's about the end of love, as it fades due to age and fatigue, and the death of romance.
Errr...happy Valentine's Day! [more inside]
Kill All the Witnesses
Four hours until dawn, and things are getting hairy. [more inside]
Orgy in the Wasp Woman Hive
Sometimes an invitation scrawled on a bathroom stall leads to unexpected horror. Actually, pretty much always. It always leads to horror. You should just ahead and expect horror. [more inside]
Happy Day
A song about the pleasures and disappointments of meeting somebody new. [more inside]
Who's Got the Nerve
A St. Patrick's Day song from my pierced and tattooed puppet, Sailor Martin. [more inside]
Cell Block Number 4
Sailor Martin find true romance. A song featuring ukulele, harmonica, wooden sand-filled egg, tambourine, and a duet between Sailor Martin and himself. Song 14 in the RPM challenge. [more inside]
I'm Hard On Her But She's Down On Me
A raucous garage-band blues number, featuring ukulele, tambourine, and harmonica. Entry number 9 into the RPM challenge is a song about a mean woman. [more inside]
I Married Her for Her Money (She Married Me for My Lies)
My 6th RPM song for Sailor Martin. A close harmony country song about love and deception. [more inside]
How Am I Gonna Enjoy It When You Just Sit On It
Third RPM song for my puppet Sailor Martin. Ukulele, harmonica, and a whole lot of inappropriate. [more inside]