6 posts tagged with vocal by askmeaboutLOOM.
Displaying 1 through 6 of 6.
The Fire Sermon
For Section III (Track 4) of The Wasteland, I finally take to the microphone for narration, with my own spin. This movement is entirely a capella, and with two small exceptions, all effects were manipulated by me in realtime. [more inside]
There Should Have Been Cake
MetaFilter Music (Promo?)
What the hell is wrong with us?! [more inside]
Fred Jones, Pt. 2
It's amazing what you can throw together in about 4 hours with nothing but a Rock Band mic, 8 of yourself, and a pair of Stylophones. [more inside]
Since You've Been Gone
Continuing the theme of random a capella overdubbed stuff I have in my back catalogue, an old favourite [more inside]
I like Cheese
Originally by man vs sun, recorded while just dicking around with a microphone. [more inside]