19 posts tagged with vocoder and synth.
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Thick pad from the JX-8P makes a warm analog bed for vocoder vox and swirling delay-soaked arpeggios above...
Moon Arp
Mellow vocoder sesh
White Boy Summer
It's here
Five Golden Synths
Merry Synthmas
Over My House
3 analog synths, drum machine, vocoder
I realize it's May, but you know
For JJ
Analog synth + vocoder
Doing sort of a Deadmau5-style beat using an old drum machine (Korg S3). I used the noise wave on my Korg Monologue to create the little cymbal swells every couple bars (classic Deadmau5 trick which I have been trying to copy for a while using different methods). The pulsing synth riff is also kind of a Deadmau5 thing. It's weird - I'm not even that much of a fan of the guy but the handful songs of his that I've liked have clearly influenced me a lot.
Let There Be Snow
Merry Synthmas
Time (the Revelator)
More microKORG experimentation, this time a Gillian Welch cover. I've finally gotten around to listening to this album recently, and a lot; it's really latching on to me. The title track is gorgeous and where I can't match Welch's vocals I can get weird instead, so: vocoder time. [more inside]
I Bought A MicroKORG (I Apologize)
After coveting the things for 15+ years I finally went and bought a microKORG synth/vocoder from a person in town who was selling it slightly used for cheaper. I have been playing with it all morning and here is an attempt to put several pieces together in a hastily improvised song. [more inside]
Disco Band
A simple pop song for synth, drum machine and vocoder. Featuring another cheeky sequence from the Prophet-6! [more inside]
if you want me
vocodin' [more inside]
It's here
"I can't do anything without thinking about you next"
Voyager '86
A synthy jam about the magic of summer, youth and minivans.
Paranoid Shepard
This is an endlessly rising Radiohead cover vignette; a section from Paranoid Android rises a whole step and repeats itself, and does so again, six times total, before returning to where it started, as a kind of large-scale take on the Shepard tone. [more inside]
The Golden Age (Beck cover)
A synthed out, vocoded take on Beck's extremely non-synthy song off of Sea Change, as an excuse to fiddle around with Reason 8. [more inside]
Seams (vocoder bringdown edition)
A recording from 2004 of a song from 1998. I really like vocoders: I think that they are very awesome. More inside!