The Moviegoer

November 30, 2008 3:19 PM

Another in my series of autobiographical songs about my experiences in Los Angeles in the early 90s, this based on my obsessive movie watching habits back then.


Monday night on Fairfax
For a silent retrospective
King Vidor could paint with light
But Pabst was introspective
Tuesday night it's Godot
704 goes to the Nuart
Anna Karina dances now
In Bande a part
Oh, where do you go
When you're the moviegoer?
Oh, where do you go tonight
Oh, the cineplex show
Near Rosewood and Gower
Oh a second run film is all right

Cinerama Dome on Wednesday
To see last weekend's big hit
The reviews for this have not been kind
But you find you kind of like it
Thursday night will find you
At the Sunset Pussycat Theater
To see Pia Snow in Cafe Flesh
And Tantala Ray mistreat her
Oh, where do you go
When you're the moviegoer?
Oh, where do you go tonight
Oh, the cineplex show
Near Rosewood and Gower
Oh a second run film is all right

Bukowski filmed by Schroeder
This Friday at UCLA
At 240 minutes
The movie will take the whole day
On Saturday at the Egyptian
At midnight for those who stay late
Are Starlet and The Space Thing
She-Freak and Nature's Playmates
Oh, where do you go
When you're the moviegoer?
Oh, where do you go tonight
Oh, the cineplex show
Near Rosewood and Gower
Oh a second run film is all right

posted by Astro Zombie (2 comments total)

Yay I like this a lot.
posted by jessamyn at 9:05 PM on November 30, 2008

Thank you Jessamyn. I can't believe I said Godot rather than Goddard. Guess I shall be rerecording it.
posted by Astro Zombie at 11:57 PM on November 30, 2008

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