Yokoso [Big in] Japan Intro

February 19, 2009 6:53 PM

The proposed and rejected intro for the overdue and never-to-be-finished "Big In Japan" album.

The meat and potatoes of this one was whipped up on my old PC before the great hard drive meltdown of ought 5, and the Japanese/street fighter samples were mixed in later on top of a .wav file I had fortunately burned to CD. I'd like to say the glitchy clippy sounds were an intentional stylistic choice, but they're clearly not. Which is why my rapper/collaborator vetoed it. But for a beat I made 6 or 7 years ago, I think it holds up pretty well today.

posted by Hoopo (1 comment total)

I like it, though I like "No Budget" a lot better. It sounds more like a finished thing while this intro sounds like it's still in process.

But I'm liking your stuff a lot, Hoopo, I hope we get to hear more from that Big In Japan album.
posted by micayetoca at 6:39 AM on March 2, 2009

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