Man vs Blue, Mvt. VI: Finale (May 11, 1997)

November 2, 2009 12:00 AM

The final movement of my first (and, so far, only) composition, a multi-movement improvisational piece for acoustic vs. electronic instruments, based on the 1997 rematch set of chess games between Garry Kasparov and the computer, Deep Blue.

This was written and recorded in February 2009 for our entry in the 2009 RPM Challenge. I'm currently trying to figure out a good way to reproduce this on a larger scale for an audience to see and or participate in.


Timbill: Chess Player (both sides), Korg DS-10
Tréteque: Alesis QSR with Casio AZ-1 Keytar, White
Pheatherwäit: Flute, Black

posted by askmeaboutLOOM (1 comment total)

From the score:

Man vs. Blue
(for acoustic vs. electric ensemble, plus player(s))
2.5-6 movements, over the course of a concert or album


Instruments represent the players, their ambitions, their moves, and their thoughts. As each game gets closer to the end, the two textures should separate, with the loser coming apart, losing control.

Kasparov: acoustic instruments
Deep Blue: electric instruments
Game winner: dictates asymmetrical percussion beat instrumentation
Players: moves pieces on chessboard for visual cue and analogue to the audience

The Player should knock to indicate Check, and knock over the losing King in a dramatic fashion to end the movement, upon which rhythm cuts out, and the winner has a brief solo flourish to express the thrill of victory.

Team 1: Team 2:
Play White Play Black


# White Black
1 e4 c6
2 d4 d5
3 Nc3 dxe4
4 Nxe4 Nd7
5 Ng5 Ngf6
6 Bd3 e6
7 N1f3 h6
8 Nxe6 Qe7
9 0-0 fxe6
10 Bg6+ Kd8
11 Bf4 b5
12 a4 Bb7
13 Re1 Nd5
14 Bg3 Kc8
15 axb5 cxb5
16 Qd3 Bc6
17 Bf5 exf5
18 Rxe7 Bxe7
19 c4 1-0

Kasparov Resigns, 3½-2½

posted by askmeaboutLOOM at 12:01 AM on November 2, 2009

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