Alice's Restaurant

November 25, 2009 11:36 PM

Alice's Restaurant. I was just fooling around tonight and thought I would try and do Alice's Restaurant.

Was fun.....13 f-ing pages of lyrics. Still had fun The song is the whole song its over 18 mins long. Sounds good though I didn't know I had a Arlo Guthrie voice in me but I pulled it off ok. Classic Thanksgiving tune. Fav every year to at least hear it once on Thanksgiving. Didnt think Id ever cover it though. Had a blast. I have it under my belt anyway. Give a listen if you have 18 mins to waste its not bad. Remember I am only a rhythm player at best. This is a cheesy version but ok.

posted by american caesar (1 comment total)

You definitely have an Arlo Guthrie voice in you, well done.
posted by pwally at 9:25 AM on November 30, 2009

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