Study Hard
December 7, 2010 5:05 PM
Inspiration for all you students...
Minimalist song with vocals sampled from a math professor's site. The percussive and crinkly sounds were also sampled from the math professor, and heavily altered to get the drum-like effect. I believe they are the sounds of him handling the microphone he was talking into.
I sent this to some friends in school who were preparing for finals. I thought I'd share it here! Study hard!
posted by MonsieurBon (2 comments total)
Minimalist song with vocals sampled from a math professor's site. The percussive and crinkly sounds were also sampled from the math professor, and heavily altered to get the drum-like effect. I believe they are the sounds of him handling the microphone he was talking into.
I sent this to some friends in school who were preparing for finals. I thought I'd share it here! Study hard!
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posted by Corduroy at 3:48 PM on December 9, 2010