More Than Anything

January 3, 2012 3:27 PM

Experimenting with layering chords together in this short folky uke/guitar song. Also hoping the vocals blend well with the feel of this one.


The man behind the curtain
Knows everything
He takes a question here and there
Then nothing

The price of news is awful
A disturber of the peace
But you want to know the answer
More than anything

And the answer holds you captive
From everything
From the family you follow
To the company you keep

And the price of news is awful
A disturber of the peace
But you want to know the answer
More than anything

posted by tunewell (1 comment total) 3 users marked this as a favorite

The mix of ukulele and guitar is done really tastefully, a nice blend of not being sure what is coming from what instrument. The reverb'd out part at the end is a nice change of pace, too, but it might also fit well as a bridge/breakdown thing.
posted by Corduroy at 2:21 PM on January 5, 2012

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