Through The Fire And Flames (acoustic cover)

March 24, 2013 4:40 PM

You've probably heard DragonForce's highly entertaining power metal piece de resistance before (maybe in Guitar Hero III). This is like that, only not.

By which I mean that it shares all the same lyrics and vocal melody, and roughly the same chord progression, and absolutely nothing else. Threw this together this afternoon after noticing that it actually works rather well as a gentle strumming ballad. Video's here (but doesn't really add a lot, I have to admit...)

posted by ZsigE (2 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite

Upon hearing this acoustic version, I have to admit that I can't even imagine it as a power metal piece. There seems to be a strong melody here similar to Celtic traditional folk and that is personally why I like it...
posted by Brodyaga at 8:35 AM on March 27, 2013

I'm not familiar with the original, but your version is an enjoyable listen, and your voice is quite good!
posted by edlundart at 10:25 PM on March 28, 2013

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