New York, New York

August 9, 2016 11:19 PM

Spun off an old Brian Eno song, "Zawinul/Lava".

I added rhythm and got something, but thought of it as just a sketch. I came back to it a year later and a B section popped into my head, so I went ahead and tried to make a finished product of it.

A - "New York, New York",
B - ("?"),
A enhanced,
B enhanced,
C - long vamp, building to
A - last time, ending

posted by Rich Smorgasbord (3 comments total)

I really like this, it reminds me of Jon Hopkins' first album, which I love!
posted by greenish at 3:03 AM on August 12, 2016

This totally reminds me of when I was a kid, tripping out to Tangerine Dream in some hippie's pad in the late 80's, and thinking, "I didn't know new-agey synthy stuff could take you on a journey like this!" I started listening to Brian Eno and looking at fractals soon after that. This brings those memories back. Thanks! Lovely job.

[also, it's a great way to take an old standard, and I'm not talking about Zawinul/Lava, and breathe new life into it.]
posted by not_on_display at 9:46 PM on August 13, 2016

Really drew me in. The light comes up on one part of the stage at a time, like a sunrise or a springtime sap-rise or a slow-burn showstopper. The energy is constantly held in control but allowed to bloom. Soon a breeze-blown field of wildflowers. Birds and emerald beetles. A place to shed your cares.
posted by BlackPebble at 12:30 PM on August 29, 2016

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