6 posts tagged with parody and cover.
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Halle Hula - live from Hāpuna Beach
Sat down yesterday with my new uke, at a beach on the west cost of the Big Island, to revisit my Cohen/Elvis parody from several years ago.
Subterranean Homesick Dylan
It's well known that Radiohead went to Bob Dylan for inspiration on the title of Subterranean Homesick Alien; it's less well known that they actually lifted the song structure and lyrics themselves from this rare demo recording. [more inside]
Everything I Do (I Dun Fer You)
Some rollicking bluegrass as a spoon to the heart of Bryan Adams, Kevin Costner, and basically that whole period of the early 90s. [more inside]
Halle Hula
When Elvis Met Leonard. Nothing but uke, vox, and questionable taste. [more inside]
An attempt to create a recording of the late-90s boozehound anthem Tubthumping that sounds as flat and obnoxious as the hundredth chorus of fratboys singing along with it did by the end of that decade. Happy St. Paddy's Day!
I'll Stab You (for Sumru)
Being an apology-by-request to robocop is bleeding for trouncing him unmercifully in a recent game of Diplomacy. [more inside]