Unfinished #32

November 24, 2010 9:23 AM

Just a bit more (edited) fun.

This, I posted previously, so this is an update.

I seem to recall that this was a tip of the hat to Deodato, on which I was weaned, interspersed with Bowie, Focus etc.

Acclimatising to these new KRK RP8 G2 monitors is fun, but strange.

Having been a live musician for umpteen years, this new-fangled studio thang is...yummy, actually. Many rivers to cross, though.

Oh, that guitar solo - don't take it too seriously - just silliness.

The sad thing about that was the fact that a nut pressure pad on my Ibanez has gone missing (hmm, who vacuums this room?) so I had no trem, hence the solo had to be done on a Strat. I'm more of a jazz/blues/Larry Carlton-esque player anyway. So be it.

I would love any comments about the clumsiness of the mix.

In a perfect world, i would nuke the silly solo and have a vocalist take center-stage.

posted by Zenabi (1 comment total)

See, to me, this is a cool instrumental sound: a sort of hypnotic groove that doesn't really need vocals.
posted by uncleozzy at 5:26 AM on November 30, 2010

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