Dance Like Everyone's Watching

August 26, 2017 8:08 PM

Carbon 7 - these things just go where they go. From our new release, Operation Fishbowl. This one clocks in at 13 minutes, with a bit of a Latin flair in spots, which is odd for us.

Everything we record is spontaneously composed as it's played. I think we're getting better at the concept as the years wear on. This one finally kicks in proper at about the 3:30 mark, so give it a few to get going before you turn it off.

I'm playing my fretless Precision
Denis Bruhn on drums
Ron Tindle on keyboards

Recorded in 6 channels & mixed by me in Logic.

Music for peering out through the blinds, burying that mason jar full of Bens in your secret spot, & clearing your browser cache.

A higher-res version & the rest of the album is available here.

posted by Devils Rancher (1 comment total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

Lovely, and alive, well organized.
posted by Oyéah at 10:17 AM on August 27, 2017

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