sciurus's playlist
songs sciurus likes
created by sciurus on Jun-30-06 at 5:44 AM
created by sciurus on Jun-30-06 at 5:44 AM
- Keep Your Hands Off Of It by flapjax at midnite
- Punch 'Em In The Dick (NSFW lyrics) by mediocre
- Ocean Bottom by drezdn
- Futz by unSane
- Olivia by chococat
- Jonestown by nanojath
- I am a demon and will swallow your soul! by dobie
- Bagel on the Malecon by barmaljova
- Anxious Hands by InfidelZombie
- Screaming Mute by inoculatedcities
- Think of Me by starkeffect
- criminal by edlundart
- No More Room In Hell by drezdn
- Diamond Joe by Jofus
- Disarray by safetyfork
- Dirtbag by frenetic
- Woman Attack Dog Breeder With Body Of Dead Chihuahua by cortex
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