7 posts tagged with jazznoisesfrommiddleearth and psychedelic.
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07 - orc pie at the mall - vampire deer
you won't get this at sbarro's - and they don't take numenorian express - (cue album end)
06 - dwarfdub headache - vampire deer
why do dwarves use axes? what good is an axe in a mine?
05 - smeagol gollum 2020 - vampire deer
thanks to sysinfo for the sudden change of title
04 - homeless in lothlorian - vampire deer
this really does sound sad, so i won't make any jokes
03 - sauronacideye94 - vampire deer
drive by the world's biggest oliphant-cart tire past helleville near the dead marshes and onward to where the half-dead attempt to play baseball ...
02 - nazgul express - vampire deer
the in-flight movies and the dinners leave a LOT to be desired
01 - holiday in mordor - vampire deer
introducing the new album, "jazz noises from middle earth", which is nothing like bo hansson