9 posts tagged with powerpop and cover.
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Do the Vampire
It was 1978. I was 13. And I bought my first album, The Motors, because I loved this song more than life itself. [more inside]
Spite and Malice
To celebrate my 12th MetaFilter Birthday (a few days early, but so what?): a song recorded in late 1991. It's a cover of one of my favorite Posies b-sides from way back when. [more inside]
Authority Song [John Mellencamp cover]
This is a cover of one of my favorite songs from when I was a child (it came out when I was ten, to be exact). One of those "story of my life" numbers with a simple and catchy tune. Welp, Internet, I got a wild hair and decided, "let's record a version of this fucker." So I have. [more inside]
Ask For Me By Name
A little alterna-power-pop from the 90s. [more inside]
Twist and Shout [The Beatles]
Continuing with the theme from yesterday, (and as promised), here's my version of "Twist and Shout." Is it any good? That's for you to decide. I hope it is.
Perhaps "I'll Get You" is next?
Hold Me Tight [The Beatles]
In hono(u)r of the anniversary of the nucleus of the Beatles coming together, I bring you a cover of a song that both Lennon and McCartney derided as not all that good, but I always kinda liked. Maybe tomorrow, I'll upload my version of "Twist and Shout." :-)
That Letter
To celebrate my 7th MetaFilter Birthday (yay!) here is another track from the band I was in in 1991. This is a cover of a Young Fresh Fellows song. It's a little rough. There's another thing we cover during the intro part before I start singing -- see if you recognize it.
Out of Luck
Garagey powerpoppy cover of a song by the Pointed Sticks. Recorded almost exactly 15 years ago by the band I was in at the time, NOT!. (That's the band name. Not a comment on whether we recorded the song. Yes, we had seen Wayne's World. I'm sorry.) There are some glitches that are on the original tape. I'm singing lead and harmony. I might be playing some rhythm guitar. This was our rowdy set closer, and lots of fun.