
December 22, 2008 2:23 PM

An ode to my spring-loaded toy goat Farnsworth. I'm a new member and I thought this'd be as good a way of giving you all the lowdown about my silly little self as any. The quality of both the recording and humour are terrible, but you were warned.

posted by aesop (2 comments total)

I LOL'd. Especially at "Oh Farnsworth, won't you let me press your button?" Welcome to MefiMu! I'm guessing you'll fit right in.
posted by Corduroy at 3:59 PM on December 22, 2008

Yay, interaction!
Thanks Corduroy. Now if I can just figure out how to do a dubstep version incorporating the ingredients list from my cornflakes I'll be G-O-L-D-E-N.
posted by aesop at 2:59 AM on December 23, 2008

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