Sunday Morning

July 6, 2009 9:41 AM

my assigned song or this month's challenge

you know, when i opted in late for this months challenge i was thinking "i'd like any song but sunday morning."

posted by mexican (12 comments total) 5 users marked this as a favorite

This is terrific, especially considering that you weren't that excited about doing it. The pedal steel is a great added touch.
posted by umbú at 10:53 AM on July 6, 2009

I didn't even realize you had signed up for it. Here I was, thinking I "only" had to worry about Karlos the Jackal and MajorDundee and you come with this version. Geez.

I really like the texture of everything in it individually, and the way things work together. I also think this is where I've liked your voice the most in the songs I remember from you. Now, the song ends abruptly, is that meant to be that way or is that a bug of the player?
posted by micayetoca at 12:02 PM on July 6, 2009

I love pedal steel. So much. And it's really, really nice here. Nice work.
posted by uncleozzy at 12:08 PM on July 6, 2009

Nice one Mexican - as a fellow "Sunday Morninger" The pedal steel is a genius move - really liked that a lot - it brings a whole new dimesion to the song, emphasising the melodic side of it. Muy bien, amigo!
posted by MajorDundee at 3:00 PM on July 6, 2009

love it
posted by ageispolis at 3:56 PM on July 6, 2009

Where else but MeFiMusic can you get vocoder with pedal steel? NOWHERE THAT'S WHERE.

Truly fantastic. The ending is a bit...abrupt, but otherwise, I loved it all. Nicely balanced, with some great texture combos that you wouldn't normally expect.
posted by askmeaboutLOOM at 8:49 PM on July 6, 2009

This is really great, grabbed me right from the get-go with that delicious reverby chimey bit, and the tremolo that coats the whole thing in a wonderful, shimmering curtain of innocent mystery. Your voice is great for the song, and I'd nth everyone else's yays on the pedal steel. This is some fine work, mexican.
posted by flapjax at midnite at 10:55 PM on July 6, 2009

looks like i forgot to list my instrumentation. it seems that's what all the cool kids are doing. Here goes:

ghost piano (logic preset, right channel)
Indonesian Ganlean (world music jam pack, left channel)
vocal pitch correction limited to key (F)
EVOC Vocoder on Open Heaven preset
Rickenbacker 360 (PODxt, AD30 model, auto swell and tremolo)
Squire strat (PODxt, AD30 model, auto swell and slightly slower tremolo)
'78 jazz bass (Bass PODxt on some preset)
LP maracas
whatever drum kit the cheap studio near my house had
GFI student model E9 pedal steel (PODxt, probably some fender amp model)

All the live tracks are single takes that are either the first of second take, except the pedal steel. I probably tried to get one decent take for about 2 hours until I got one that was OK. I should really practice the pedal steel more, but it's so frustrating with all is moving parts and having to coordinate hands feet and knees. It has probably my favorite sound of any instrument but is my least favorite to have to play.
posted by mexican at 10:55 AM on July 7, 2009

I was already pretty deeply entrenched with this song by the time you kicked in with the pedal steel, and that bit grabbed me by either the balls or by the heart. Can't tell which yet because it's gonna take me a while for this to settle in.

posted by snsranch at 4:46 PM on July 7, 2009

This is great. Reminds me of R. Stevie Moore.
posted by not_on_display at 10:10 PM on July 8, 2009

i wasn't really happy with the pedal steel part or the ending so i took another crack at this. mp3 is available here or from the lmm blog songs page, which also has a flac version of the revised mix.
posted by mexican at 12:17 AM on July 14, 2009

Another really great track. It's funny, 'cause at the beginning I thought, "wow, he's being pretty faithful to the original" but then you bust out the tremolo and the trip-hoppy beats, and then the pedal steel seals the deal, for real. That's how I feel.
posted by chococat at 10:37 PM on July 29, 2009

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