VII. Gondola

May 17, 2010 10:30 PM

Finally, we close the evening with a waltz...sort of. Thank you for joining us for this, An Evening With...

If you're not a bit seasick by the end, then you're doing it wrong.


Timbill (William A. Corder, me): Melodica
Tréteque (V. Y. Beauregard III, man vs sun): Vocals, Baritone Sax
Maĵor Tom (Tommy Scheurich): Accordion

posted by askmeaboutLOOM (1 comment total)

Having reviewed "An Evening With...", I'm delighted to report that you lot remain as delightfully, refreshingly unhinged as ever - as mad as box of frogs. I keep wondering though what you would do with a cover of one of Tom Waits' songs - the instrumentation and general ambience of your stuff would seem to be a perfect match. How about something from Rain Dogs or Swordfishtrombones?

Another one - that may appeal to LOOM as a declared anglophile - is something by the Bonzo Dog Band - like Mr Slater's Parrot (apologies for ghastly distorted version) or Jollity Farm.
posted by MajorDundee at 1:14 PM on May 18, 2010

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