
October 18, 2010 7:08 PM

Another uke-y croon, mellow and heartfelt.


Far, seeing her first
Wonder who goes there
And no one see your for awhile
Then you emerge

And so...
Clap your little hands
Make your little plans
For days ahead.

Ride on
Because your face is out the door
Don't wonder anymore about tomorrow.

Over the edge
Straight into nothin'
And pull back further from despair
And you emerge

And so...
See the bigger world
Think of it in pearls
For days ahead

posted by tunewell (6 comments total)

Great harmonies.

Well done.
posted by Zenabi at 1:23 PM on October 21, 2010

Don't take this the wrong way man, but I really want to hear some of your stuff - like this one - minus the uke. You have a knack of coming up with good melodies, but (and I guess this is a personal take) the best in them is perhaps not brought out by using what to me is a harmonically limited and rudimentary instrument like the uke. I don't want to start a shitstorm by saying that mate - you know I like you material anyway (or I hope you know that!!). Anyway, I'd like to hear this with a nicely recorded acoustic guitar and some tasteful band stuff going down behind it. I'd be more than happy to help out on guitar and/or production with an experimental re-recording of one of these excellent tunes of yours. Give me a shout if you fancy it.
posted by MajorDundee at 1:48 PM on October 22, 2010

Doesn't offend me at all, Major. I'm going to be posting some non-uke stuff over the next couple weeks. And doing a collab would be hella fun!
posted by tunewell at 3:03 PM on October 24, 2010

And doing a collab would be hella fun!
Cool - I'll look forward to that. Beginning now to think of preparing a Christmas track.....plenty of time, could be a cover or an original - whatever, might be fun?
posted by MajorDundee at 11:19 AM on October 25, 2010

I won't join in the storm... I have to agree that the uke should be a bit more far and few in between, though I love it.

On a totally different note... I love your songs, harmonies, and each one is a classic. It's great to hear music that is based in melody, harmony, and classic songwriting with a twist that makes it interesting.

Keep it up man, and include me in the co-songwriting project!
posted by Disbro at 5:12 PM on October 25, 2010

Very nice. Reminds me a little of the Beach Boys' "Don't Talk Put Your Head on My Shoulder," especially the line, "Don't wonder anymore about tomorrow" over the minor iv chord.

I like the uke. It's so plinky that it's a nice contrast with the sumptuous vocals. Acoustic guitar would be fine too but could actually be more generic.
posted by John Cohen at 10:45 PM on November 13, 2010

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