Tubular Tubes

November 7, 2011 6:41 AM

My daughter and I playing some plastic tubes. Video here.

posted by flapjax at midnite (14 comments total) 6 users marked this as a favorite

flapjax and little Miss flapjax, thank you for sharing this! You two just made my world a thousand times more beautiful than it already was.

Bravo! Encore!
posted by snsranch at 4:52 PM on November 7, 2011 [1 favorite]

That was really wonderful.
At first I was going to be kind of snarky and say, sure, make the kid be the metronome while dad gets to rock out; but then a third of the way through she changes it up and the happiness on her face says it all, like she's driving this bus. Well done.
posted by chococat at 5:38 PM on November 7, 2011 [2 favorites]

Yep, absolutely, choco. Not sure if it's the same exact moment but there are a couple of frames there where they are both smiling, making eye contact and JAMMIN'! That's what it's all about.
posted by snsranch at 5:50 PM on November 7, 2011


sns, we recorded three more of these that afternoon, so in all likelihood I'll be posting multiple encores!
posted by flapjax at midnite at 8:51 PM on November 7, 2011

posted by samthemander at 9:49 PM on November 7, 2011

Groovy... beautiful smile. Merci beaucoup.
posted by nicolin at 1:31 AM on November 8, 2011

mmm, boomwhackery goodness. Congratulations, flaps. You've reminded me of the next toy I need to get!

I eagerly await the next takes from this session--this was delightful.
posted by askmeaboutLOOM at 1:40 AM on November 8, 2011

Yeah the smile on her face at 1'00 or so is fantastic!
posted by unSane at 7:25 AM on November 8, 2011

That bit at 1:00 is so great. She's like hm I'm rockin' out... oh... HAHA I'M ROCKIN' OUT
posted by vanar sena at 11:47 AM on November 9, 2011 [3 favorites]

Hey flapjax, this is great. Can I ask you to write a little about how your experiences playing music with her? How old was she when you sat down and jammed like this with her? How do you go about it? I want to turn my current musical free-for-alls with umbuzinho into something a little more structured, but I don't want it to be less fun for him. What have you done? She's really steady already.
posted by umbú at 1:23 PM on November 10, 2011

Wow. I didn't know what to expect - I was thinking you might didgeridoo the tubes. Love the percussive sound with the different pitches.

And what sns said - eye contact, smilin', and jammin'!

I'm smiling too.
posted by jaruwaan at 5:29 PM on November 10, 2011

Lotta smiles around here! This makes papa beam with pride and joy!

umbú, io and I have informally played little rhythms together, and have been singing together, since she was 2 years old or so. But with big emphasis on the "informally"! There's been no methodical teaching from me whatsoever, which is something that i'm not exactly proud of, but it has seemed to me for a long time now that my daughter responds best to, well, just having fun with music, and doesn't respond so well with *being taught*. Truth is, we're both kinda lazy!

She does have a pretty good feel, and she is, as you mentioned, pretty steady, although she tends to slow down. Gotta try to get that girl to hold tempo a little better! But she's definitely improved in the sense of her not getting thrown off too easily when I radically shift the emphasis or feel of what I'm doing against her parts.

As far as turning your "musical free-for-alls" into something more structured... hmm... lemme think about that a bit. Remind be how old your boy is. I'll be back!
posted by flapjax at midnite at 6:19 PM on November 10, 2011

Yeah, that sounds pretty close to what I've done with umbuzinho. He's 4 1/2 now, and it seems like he's on the cusp of having a longer attention span. Mainly what we've done is take out my guitar, choose a topic, and make up songs as we go. Depending on his mood, sometimes it's great. I'll sing a line, and he'll add something, or vice-versa. Sometimes I take what he's started, and put different chord changes to it. He has these funny little rhythmic cells in him--I'm not sure where he got them.

I asked because traditional music lessons for kids just didn't work for me, and I don't want to put him through that. Nothing that I've found so far has been particularly satisfying. Anyway...it seems like you have a great thing going there with io.
posted by umbú at 6:45 PM on November 10, 2011

I have three kids - 2.5, 9 and 12. Our house is full of instruments, but they vary hugely in what they do. The 12 year old is a great self starter -- he taught himself the drums and is easily good enough to jam with although like a lot of kids he slows down as he gets tired. But he has a great ear and is unafraid to try anything. If you explain what a 7/8 beat is he will go away and play it.

The 9 year old takes piano lessons and has a really good ear and sense of rhythm -- his phrasing is awesome for such a young kid. But he would never do anything if there wasn't a lesson. He likes it but he really doesn't have the jamming gene.

The 2.5 year old is, I dunno yet. He absolutely adores the drums. I suspect he might be the most natural of the three.

I was very skeptical about traditional music lessons but they have been really good for our kids. A basic grounding in theory is enormously helpful... I can write out a rhythm in drum tab for my oldest and he will be able to play it. I think the most interesting part was that it stops your kids from becoming little mini-mes.

I will say that Rock Band had been massively helpful in making my kids think that music is something that YOU do, not other people, as well as exposing them to a bunch of music that I don't have. It's especially good for teaching drumming -- the skills are directly transferable and you learn a shit-ton of different rhythms and approaches.
posted by unSane at 8:40 PM on November 10, 2011 [2 favorites]

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