I Am On Your Side

May 14, 2015 1:41 PM

The sad robot loves you and will never leave you.

Kind of a Daft Punk-esque slow jam I did for my 52 Weeks project. Making it gave me lots of respect for producers that do a lot of vocoder work.

posted by grumpybear69 (4 comments total) 7 users marked this as a favorite

This is so wonderful and melancholic. I wish you could post it again because it seems to have slyly slipped under the radar. It's perhaps impossible to get away from Daft Punk comparisons with vocoder, but that's only because the best elements of that band are represented here. I love how the vocoder melody changes at the end. Mind posting the lyrics?
posted by Corduroy at 5:03 PM on May 27, 2015 [1 favorite]

Thanks! I don't mind the DP comparison at all since they were clearly an influence. Here are the lyrics:

Asleep under the ocean
Both our souls set in motion
I will go where you take me
Though I know it may break me
If you're lost, I will find you
I am on your side

posted by grumpybear69 at 6:24 PM on May 27, 2015

Yay, vocoder!
posted by cortex at 7:30 AM on June 2, 2015 [1 favorite]

This is awesome.
posted by mandolin conspiracy at 4:12 PM on June 20, 2015 [1 favorite]

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